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Roku Guru

Twitter Oauth Example Fix

The TwitterOauth example source in the SDk (2011) was broken when Twitter upgraded their API to 1.1 from 1.0.
To stop it from crashing replace the following functions in twitter.brs with the ones posted below. Please note the comments.

Function parse_status_response(json As Object, tweetArray As Object) As Void

tweetCount = 0

for each array in json
array = tweet
end for

for each tweet in json

item = init_tweet_item()

item.Message = tweet.text
item.UserName = tweet.user.screen_name
item.ImageSource = tweet.user.profile_image_url

tweetCount = tweetCount + 1

end for

End Function

Function show_tweet_canvas() As Void

http = NewHttp("") 'need to replace RokuUser with actual screen name
oa = Oauth()
rsp = http.getToStringWithTimeout(10)
json = ParseJson(rsp)

if json=invalid then
print "Can't parse feed"

tweetArray = CreateObject("roArray", 100, true)
m.ParseTweets(json, tweetArray)

canvasArray = CreateObject("roArray", 100, true)
canvasCount = 0
tweetCount% = 0
tweetColumn% = 0
tweetRow% = 0
for each tweet in tweetArray

canvasItem = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
canvasItem.url = tweet.ImageSource
targetRect = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
targetRect.x = tweetColumn% * 540 + 36
targetRect.y = tweetRow% * 165 + 36 'changed 135 to 165
targetRect.w = 48
targetRect.h = 48
canvasItem.TargetRect = targetRect
canvasCount = canvasCount + 1

canvasItem = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
canvasItem.Text = tweet.UserName
canvasItem.TextAttrs = {Color:"#FFC8AB14", Font:"Medium", HAlign:"HLeft",VAlign:"VCenter", Direction:"LeftToRight"}
targetRect = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
targetRect.x = tweetColumn% * 540 + 60 + 36
targetRect.y = tweetRow% * 165 + 36 'changed 135 to 165
targetRect.w = 210
targetRect.h = 45
canvasItem.TargetRect = targetRect
canvasCount = canvasCount + 1

canvasItem = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
canvasItem.Text = tweet.Message
canvasItem.TextAttrs = {Color:"#FFCCCCCC", Font:"Medium", HAlign:"HLeft",VAlign:"VCenter", Direction:"LeftToRight"}
targetRect = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
targetRect.x = tweetColumn% * 540 + 60 + 36
targetRect.y = tweetRow% * 165 + 36 + 65 'changed 45 to 65, 135 to 165
targetRect.w = 480 '
targetRect.h = 90 ' two rows of text
canvasItem.TargetRect = targetRect
canvasCount = canvasCount + 1

tweetCount% = tweetCount% + 1
tweetColumn% = tweetCount% / 4
tweetRow% = tweetCount% - (tweetColumn% * 4)

print "tweetColumn% = "; tweetColumn%; "tweetRow% = ";tweetRow%

' only 8 tweets displayed on HD screen
if tweetCount% = 8 then
exit for

end for


End Function
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