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Channel Surfer

Trying to construct a message port on a non-plugin thread:

I'm attempting to get the user's info for a sign up flow in a scene graph component.

I read that I'll need to construct the store object inside of Task. I also need to assign a port as described in the documentation so I can pull the user's info. I end up getting an error when running this code:

<component name="storeRegister" extends="Task">

<script type="text/brightscript" >

sub init()
store = CreateObject("roChannelStore")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
testUser = store.GetPartialUserData("email, firstname")
end sub


BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: roMessagePort: Trying to construct a message port on a non-plugin thread: ...IQ/pkg:/components/store_register.xml(12)

013:* store.SetMessagePort(port)

How are others accessing store user data from within the scene graph API?
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Channel Surfer

Re: Trying to construct a message port on a non-plugin threa

init() on a Task node is fired in the main SceneGraph thread. You need to set and move your code to there, then set the control field of the task node to "RUN".
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Channel Surfer

Re: Trying to construct a message port on a non-plugin threa

Thanks, that was it. Makes sense now after your response and reading the docs 🙂
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