"dratio" wrote:
I've also just now noticed something else that is weird... I have assigned the same web-based image to both HDBackgroundImageUrl and HDSmallIconUrl and their SD counterparts, and lo and behold it displays on HDSmallIconUrl! So, when the same web-based image is displayed in both HDBackgroundImageUrl and HDSmallIconUrl, all is well. However, if a different web-based image is assigned to HDSmallIconUrl, it will not display.
Oh... now that you say it like that - YES!
There is a bug that causes that. Really sneaky. I ran into it when i worked with
roListScreen few months ago but did not bother to mention it since i already report way too many bugs "per capita". (Somebody may think i get paid to dig dirt on B/S)
My experience was that
HDSmallIconUrl / SDSmallIconUrl do not show up unless i have set the same image in
HDPosterUrl / SDPosterUrl. My un-educated guess of why this is happening would be that a cache akin to
roTextureManager is used internally for the images and *SmallIconUrl fetches from there but does not pre-load URLs unlike *PosterUrl and *BackgroundImageUrl
By the way,
HDSmallIconUrl / SDSmallIconUrl are not documented anywhere so one may argue you are not supposed to use them
🙂PS. And on another note,
HDPosterUrl / SDPosterUrl are also undocumented for
roListScreen but might be actually the ones you want to use instead of
HDBackgroundImageUrl / SDBackgroundImageUrl. I was startled to discover *PosterUrl @ roListScreen.