Also, if you're interested, here are two utility functions I use for converting seconds to elapsed time strings. They could be fairly easily modified to return 12h or 24h time strings.
This one returns a string in the Roku time format (ex. 1h 22m 13s)...
Function GetDurationString( TotalSeconds = 0 As Integer ) As String
datetime = CreateObject( "roDateTime" )
datetime.FromSeconds( TotalSeconds )
hours = datetime.GetHours().ToStr()
minutes = datetime.GetMinutes().ToStr()
seconds = datetime.GetSeconds().ToStr()
duration = ""
If hours <> "0" Then
duration = duration + hours + "h "
End If
If minutes <> "0" Then
duration = duration + minutes + "m "
End If
If seconds <> "0" Then
duration = duration + seconds + "s"
End If
Return duration
End Function
And this one returns a string in a more traditional format (ex. 01:22:13)...
Function GetDurationStringStandard( TotalSeconds = 0 As Integer ) As String
datetime = CreateObject( "roDateTime" )
datetime.FromSeconds( TotalSeconds )
hours = datetime.GetHours().ToStr()
minutes = datetime.GetMinutes().ToStr()
seconds = datetime.GetSeconds().ToStr()
If Len( hours ) = 1 Then
hours = "0" + hours
End If
If Len( minutes ) = 1 Then
minutes = "0" + minutes
End If
If Len( seconds ) = 1 Then
seconds = "0" + seconds
End If
If hours <> "00" Then
Return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds
Return minutes + ":" + seconds
End If
End Function
My Channels: - Twitter: @TheEndlessDev
Instant Watch Browser (NetflixIWB), Aquarium Screensaver (AQUARIUM), Clever Clocks Screensaver (CLEVERCLOCKS), iTunes Podcasts (ITPC), My Channels (MYCHANNELS)