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Channel Surfer

Task Not Running

Can somebody point out the obvious mistake that keeps the task from running.  Trying to work into scene graph by following 
examples and post from other users. Starting to follow the procedure somewhat but having a problem with getting a simple
task to run. I know I will need to create an observe but just trying to get into the brs code for now.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<component name = "HomeScene" extends = "Scene" >

  <script type="text/brightscript" >


    sub init()
    print "inside homescene"
    m.readChannelListContentTask = createObject("roSGNode", "ChannelContentReader")
   m.readChannelListContentTask.control = "RUN"
   end sub


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<component name="ChannelContentReader" extends="Task" >

   <field id="channelcontent" type="node" />

<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/channelcontentreader.brs"/>
    <script type="text/brightscript">

      function init() = "readcontent"
         end function




 Sub readcontent()
Print "INDSIDE readcontent"
end sub
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Channel Surfer

Re: Task Not Running

Your code looks ok.  What makes you think the task isn't running?  Are you connecting to port 8090 in the debugger to see the first task debug console?  That's where "INDSIDE readcontent" should print.
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Channel Surfer

Re: Task Not Running

Thanks for looking over. Once I connected to correct port I see it's running.
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Re: Task Not Running

I read the docs a couple of times and never saw this mentioned in the downloading with task. Maybe its in the debugging area but i think this needs to be there, spent most of the day looking for this answer.

Tasks debugging has to be done in port 8090, i was looking as 8089...
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Channel Surfer

Re: Task Not Running

"adrianc1982" wrote:
I read the docs a couple of times and never saw this mentioned in the downloading with task. Maybe its in the debugging area but i think this needs to be there, spent most of the day looking for this answer.

Tasks debugging has to be done in port 8090, i was looking as 8089...

It's documented here:
My Channels: - Twitter: @TheEndlessDev
Instant Watch Browser (NetflixIWB), Aquarium Screensaver (AQUARIUM), Clever Clocks Screensaver (CLEVERCLOCKS), iTunes Podcasts (ITPC), My Channels (MYCHANNELS)
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