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Spontaneous Reboots

I'm experiencing spontaneous reboots when playing hls streams from the roVideoPlayer component. I've searched through the SDK in hopes of finding some way of trapping the errors or at least understanding why the box is rebooting, but no luck. Can anyone suggest a way to effectively troubleshoot these issues ?

I'm using a Roku 3 with the latest firmware. I've also verified it happens on more than one device.

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Roku Guru

Re: Spontaneous Reboots

I don't think there is anything you can do in B/S. But try to isolate example video to provide to Roku dev. support (here or by email), then you can hope and wait eventually bug will be patched. Also if that is an option, you can try tweaking the streaming server parameters till Roku stops getting fits.
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Binge Watcher

Re: Spontaneous Reboots

Running your stream through VLC is frequently helpful to identify encoding issues that could result in device reboots and other issues.

- Joel
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