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SetCertificatesDepth and avoid calling non-existent methods

I've used ifUrlTransfer.SetCertificatesDepth(3) in Version 4.7/4.8. It was required for communicating successfully to Dropbox over https.

A customer is reporting that my https communication is crashing my app on a Roku box running version 3.1.

What version(s) of BrightScript supports the ifUrlTransfer.SetCertificatesDepth(Integer) method?

Is there a way to verify the function exists before calling it?


http = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
if http.DoesExist("SetCertificatesDepth") then http.SetCertificatesDepth(3) ' Does this work to prevent calling non-existent methods?
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Channel Surfer

Re: SetCertificatesDepth and avoid calling non-existent meth

SetCertificatesDepth is only available in 4.x, so you could just check the firmware version in your code to avoid calling it if the major version is less than 4.
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Re: SetCertificatesDepth and avoid calling non-existent meth

Thanks, TheEndless

For the benefit of others reading this, DoesExist() method does not work to determine whether a method exists or not. (On further review after I posted, "DoesExist()" would have to be an implemented method on an interface to be usable, like it is on roAssociativeArray objects.

Here's the snippet that worked, based on TheEndless's suggestion. Version

' Example Version values are "4.08" and "4.07", NOT "4.8" and "4.7"!!
Version = Val(CreateObject("roDeviceInfo").GetVersion().Mid(2,4))
if Version >= 4 then print "Major Version 4 or above"
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Roku Guru

Re: SetCertificatesDepth and avoid calling non-existent meth

Just a point of interest... I can confirm that SetCertificatesDepth() does exist in 3.1.1017 with roVideoScreen. Had the same problem with Dropbox, adding SetCertificatesDepth(3) corrected it. Was the first time I actually saw SetCertificatesDepth() actually do anything. / - 717-441-4386 - Build a Roku SDK channel in 15 minutes! Easily and inexpensively generate subtitles!
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