"fstclair" wrote:
I just got my Roku yesterday and it was a (pleasant) dream to hook up even with WPA2 (NetFlix activation took a call to NF, but was resolved with an English-speaking, helpful person!)!
What is alarming is that anyone who goes to the setup menu can see the wireless network password -- an average fourth grader (perhaps one's own child or friend of same) has the ability to instantly hack into the security of a home's network. As to all those suggesting "screening" visitors invited into their homes, how many parents think about kids more computer literate than they are?
At the very least, please give an option to us "old folks" who are somewhat "computer literate" to be able to optionally hide the PW during setup (even if the default mode for "dummies" remains the display of the PW). IMHO, this should be a PRIORITY in the next upgrade of the software/firmware. Otherwise, why else would Roku have thought to build security into registering for this forum (e.g., embedded graphic code followed by a confirmation e-mail)? 😄
Great product so far (minus the huge security hole).
I agree completly
I do not want my kids - or anyone else in the house knowing my wireless access keys. I do banking, work from home, etc on my home network and DO NOT WANT my kids friends laptop accessing my network. I use firewalls, openDNS filters and access lists to prevent issues on my network.
Having my WPA key in clear text on the TV available to anyone who want to see is not acceptable.
Maybe an option would be to passcode protect the setup screens?? Require an administrative PIN to access the setup screens
Going where the wind don't blow so strange