"EnTerr" wrote:
Neat. Seems very deliberate exit after 3hrs. Does that event have any getInfo()?
Man, this will be one hard to debug... place STOP for when the event occurs, wait 3hrs and... 50/50 chance if it will actually break into console (the fw 5 bug - fw 3 reliable here).
"EnTerr" wrote:
Btw, am i the only one who did not know about ro*Event.getType()? This is mighty undocumented...
"TheEndless" wrote:"EnTerr" wrote:You can break into the channel as soon as it starts up. If it lands you in the debugger, instead of bailing out to the home screen, then you should be good to go for hitting the STOP three hours later.
Man, this will be one hard to debug... place STOP for when the event occurs, wait 3hrs and... 50/50 chance if it will actually break into console (the fw 5 bug - fw 3 reliable here).
"EnTerr" wrote:The Types used to be documented in the old PDF docs. I still keep them around to look up some events that way when debugging. Not sure why they dropped that info from the wiki docs.
Btw, am i the only one who did not know about ro*Event.getType()? This is mighty undocumented...
Boolean isListItemSelected(Void)
Boolean isScreenClosed(Void)
Boolean isListFocused(Void)
Boolean isListSelected(Void)
Boolean isListItemFocused(Void)
Boolean isButtonPressed(Void)
Boolean isPlaybackPosition(Void)
Boolean isRemoteKeyPressed(Void)
Boolean isRequestSucceeded(Void)
Boolean isRequestFailed(Void)
Boolean isRequestInterrupted(Void)
Boolean isStatusMessage(Void)
Boolean isPaused(Void)
Boolean isResumed(Void)
Boolean isCleared(Void)
Boolean isPartialResult(Void)
Boolean isFullResult(Void)
Boolean isAdSelected(Void)
Boolean isStorageDeviceInserted(Void)
Boolean isStorageDeviceRemoved(Void)
Boolean isStreamStarted(Void)
Boolean isListItemInfo(Void)
Boolean isButtonInfo(Void)
Integer GetType(Void)
Integer GetIndex(Void)
String GetMessage(Void)
Integer GetData(Void) (Deprecated in v2.6)
roAssociativeArray GetInfo(Void)
"RokuJoel" wrote:
The old list of event types (more have been added since):Boolean isListItemSelected(Void)
Boolean isScreenClosed(Void)
Boolean isListFocused(Void)
Boolean isListSelected(Void)
Boolean isListItemFocused(Void)
Boolean isButtonPressed(Void)
Boolean isPlaybackPosition(Void)
Boolean isRemoteKeyPressed(Void)
Boolean isRequestSucceeded(Void)
Boolean isRequestFailed(Void)
Boolean isRequestInterrupted(Void)
Boolean isStatusMessage(Void)
Boolean isPaused(Void)
Boolean isResumed(Void)
Boolean isCleared(Void)
Boolean isPartialResult(Void)
Boolean isFullResult(Void)
Boolean isAdSelected(Void)
Since Firmware version 2.6:Boolean isStorageDeviceInserted(Void)
Boolean isStorageDeviceRemoved(Void)
Boolean isStreamStarted(Void)
Since Firmware version 2.7:Boolean isListItemInfo(Void)
Boolean isButtonInfo(Void)
The following methods allow you to obtain additional data from the event object:Integer GetType(Void)
Integer GetIndex(Void)
String GetMessage(Void)
Integer GetData(Void) (Deprecated in v2.6)
Since Firmware version 2.6:roAssociativeArray GetInfo(Void)