Hi All,
While watching a video I'd like to display the timecode (hh:mm:ss:ff) in a label on the video player while the video is playing. In order to do this I'm observing the "
position" field of the scene graph video player (
see documentation here). In my code, no matter what I set the "notificationInterval" value to, it only executes my observer function every .5 seconds. I downloaded the Simple_Grid_and_Video.zip reference code (
here) and added the following lines of code to demonstrate the problem
' ********** Copyright 2016 Roku Corp. All Rights Reserved. **********
' inits grid screen
' creates all children
' sets all observers
Function Init()
' listen on port 8089
? "[HomeScene] Init"
'main grid screen node
m.GridScreen = m.top.findNode("GridScreen")
'video player node
m.videoPlayer = m.top.findNode("videoPlayer")
'MY ADDED CODE----------------------------------------------
m.videoPlayer.ObserveField("position", "positionChanged")
m.videoPlayer.notificationInterval = 0.1
'added handler on item selecting event in grid screen
m.top.observeField("rowItemSelected", "OnRowItemSelected")
' loading indicator starts at initializatio of channel
m.loadingIndicator = m.top.findNode("loadingIndicator")
End Function
'MY ADDED CODE----------------------------------------------
Function positionChanged()
? m.videoPlayer.position
End Function
Can anyone offer any insight? I'm sure I'm overlooking something.
Many Thanks in Advance!