Okay, thx, I also had to move a script line out of the children part in HomeScene.xml, I'm past that now but the channel just loads a black screen and says this in the debugger;
------ Compiling dev 'Test SG' ------
------ Running dev 'Test SG' main ------
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: Runtime: FOR EACH value is Invalid: pkg:/components/FeedParser .brs(67)
BrightScript Micro Debugger.
Enter any BrightScript statement, debug commands, or HELP.
Suspending threads...
Thread selected: 1* pkg:/components/HomeScene.brs(18) m.top.backgroundUri = contentItem.HDPOSTERURL 'Sets Scene ba
Current Function:
015: Sub changeContent() 'Changes info to be displayed on the overhang
016: contentItem = m.RowList.content.getChild(m.RowList.rowItemFocused[0]).get Child(m.RowList.rowItemFocused[1])
017: 'contentItem is a variable that points to (rowItemFocused[0]) which is th e row, and rowItemFocused[1] which is the item index in the row
018:* m.top.backgroundUri = contentItem.HDPOSTERURL 'Sets Scene background to t he image of the focused item
019: m.Poster.uri = contentItem.HDPOSTERURL 'Sets overhang image to the image of the focused item
020: m.Title.text = contentItem.TITLE 'Sets overhang title to the title of the focused item
021: m.Description.text = contentItem.DESCRIPTION ' Sets overhang description to the description of the focused item
022: End Sub
'Dot' Operator attempted with invalid BrightScript Component or interface reference . (runtime error &hec) in pkg:/components/HomeScene.brs(18)
018: m.top.backgroundUri = contentItem.HDPOSTERURL 'Sets Scene background to th e image of the focused item
#0 Function changecontent() As Void
file/line: pkg:/components/HomeScene.brs(18)
Local Variables:
global Interface:ifGlobal
m roAssociativeArray refcnt=2 count:7
contentitem Invalid
ID Location Source Code
0 pkg:/source/main.brs(10) msg = wait(0, m.port)
1* pkg:/components/HomeScene.brs(18) m.top.backgroundUri = contentItem.HDP OSTERURL 'Sets Scene ba
*selected [u]unattached(not debuggable)
Brightscript Debugger>