"RokuMarkn" wrote:
EnTerr, how would your proposed "size" display work if the app is not loaded? There are two possibilities, but I see issues with both.
1. Display the actual amount of space that the app is currently using on the box. But then GiantMegaGame would appear to use only 4K one day and 20 MB the next day.
2. Display the amount of space the app would use when it is downloaded. I'm not sure we actually have that information, but assuming we do, the number would be fairly meaningless as far as helping the user understand his space usage.
Perhaps what you really want is the amount of space that can't be ejected when the app is unloaded? This would be somewhat more useful, but harder for the average user to understand.
Doh! "The [pure and simple] truth is rarely pure and never simple"
🙂Having #1, the "resident" or "locked" storage by the app is the crucial part because when that space is "eaten", it's gone and the only way to free is to delete the app.
A clue on #2 (as the swappable part?) also seems desirable, since it may affect swapping if e.g. 2 humongous non-resident bundles keep kicking each other out (or one huge can kick dozen smaller etc). But hey, if #1 is readily available and #2 is not, we can start with #1 and deal with #2 later.
My immediate inclination is to display both, say in "resident+non_resident" form (i like how the `+` clearly shows one number does not include the other). Trying to mock it up with entities i know:
Tangrams 1.1.0 (#59088, 0.0+1.8MB)
Agario 1.2.0 (#75560, 0.0+2.0MB)
In this example, neither app has >0.05MB (the round-off) resident - and the bundles are 1.8 and 2.0MB each. I cannot think of a simpler way to represent the situation (the numbers' meaning can be further explained to those who want to know in the forum/blogs; after all this is Konami Komando screen) - but it's akin to locked/wired memory + swappable process memory in the RAM case.