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Roku Guru

<< and >> in roListScreen: enhancement suggestion

I have an enhancement to suggest.

It's pretty much what %Subj% says. In more detail: In most type of screens Rew and FF buttons skip content by screenful and/or are power-boosted version of the arrows. It's what one gets to expect intuitively after using the UI. Consider doing the same in roListScreen. If screen is displaying 6.5 lines (six full and last one fading), then make >>/FF press to move the cursor in 6-lines-down steps. That will make it easy to use the component with longer lists.
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Channel Surfer

Re: << and >> in roListScreen: enhancement suggestion

"EnTerr" wrote:
I have an enhancement to suggest.

It's pretty much what %Subj% says. In more detail: In most type of screens Rew and FF buttons skip content by screenful and/or are power-boosted version of the arrows. It's what one gets to expect intuitively after using the UI. Consider doing the same in roListScreen. If screen is displaying 6.5 lines (six full and last one fading), then make >>/FF press to move the cursor in 6-lines-down steps. That will make it easy to use the component with longer lists.

You can actually implement this yourself, if you want. The FF and REW buttons raise an isRemoteKeyPressed() event, so you could listen for that and call SetFocusedListItem() to page up or down.
My Channels: - Twitter: @TheEndlessDev
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Roku Guru

Re: << and >> in roListScreen: enhancement suggestion

My suggestion is towards RokuCo -
to enhance roListScreen so that it behaves - without any patch-work - in line with other screens like: Main screen, Settings, Search, News categories... Anyplace else i can think of where content is in vertical (and horizontal) layout, << and >> already do the jumps. Consistent user experience is important and seems clear roListScreen was forgotten re RW/FF.
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Binge Watcher

Re: << and >> in roListScreen: enhancement suggestion

Thanks for the suggestion.

- Joel
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Roku Guru

Re: << and >> in roListScreen: enhancement suggestion

I saw now the "Design Guidelines, 2.1.1 Navigating within the system user interface" actually does specify that Page Backward/Forward is the expected behavior for <</>>, hence current roListScreen mis(ing)behavior may be (up)graded as a bug.

Till fancy future when RokuCo fixes this, here is a "band-aid" per TheEndless's idea:

if msg.isListItemFocused():
rowNo = msg.getIndex() 'track where cursor is at
elseif msg.isRemoteKeyPressed():
btn = msg.GetIndex()
if btn = 8: '<<
ls.setFocusedListItem( max(rowNo-5, 0) )
elseif btn = 9: '>>
ls.setFocusedListItem( min(rowNo+5, content.count()-1) )

The patch has issues of its own: it cannot auto-repeat of << and >>, so cannot step on a button to go to the beginning or end of the list. And pressing these buttons makes the cranky "error" sound instead of the milder arrow up/down sound.

I said +/-6 earlier but the right advance value is +/-5, considering that only 5 whole lines are seen mid-list, plus half top and half bottom item.
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Re: << and >> in roListScreen: enhancement suggestion

i also move the position 7 lines actually and subtract seven when doin Rewind..

its easy to implement...
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: << and >> in roListScreen: enhancement suggestion

Did this ever got assigned an issue#? Got considered?
Found myself using roListScreen today with a long list and it still has no PgUp/PgDn

To re-iterate, << and >> should be system handled and skipping page up/page up in roListScreen, like in the other screens.

Also like in other screens:
  • holding >> down should be a repeated PgDn, not just once - and

  • <</>> should not make the "deadend" system sound but "navmulti".
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Roku Guru

Re: << and >> in roListScreen: enhancement suggestion

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