"kevxcs" wrote:
Hi all,
Has anyone successfully used RowList.vertFocusAnimationStyle="floatingFocus"?
I have a rowList with varying row heights, using fixedFocus and fixedFocusWrap both work fine but floatingFocus goes bananas and renders the rows in a different place to the highlight box. If you take the AdvancedRowList example and add m.rowList.vertFocusAnimationStyle = "floatingFocus" to mixedAspectRowListPanel you'll see what I mean.
The docs say that the default is "floatingFocus" but that's not true, if I omit the field completely it defaults to "fixedFocus"
Has anyone else experienced this odd behavior and if so can you tell me how to fix it?
It would seem that Scene Graph has bug there. It's using itemSize instead of rowHeights to determine the height of all the rows. If I omit itemSize altogether it doesn't draw the rows at all when vertFocusAnimationStyle="floatingFocus" regardless of what I've got in rowHeights. How do I file a bug report with Roku?
hi. i have multiple line rowlist and i want to implement itemSelected but i do not know how to call getChild() method for this.
listItem = m.rowListLocation.content.getChild(m.rowListLocation.itemSelected)
how i can pass row and column in this funtion
same here scrolling not working properly