Every time I hit * four times I hear "Audio Guide enabled", then hit it four more times and I hear "Audio Guide disabled". That is bad, it is terribly immersion breaking in-game to hear that.
Thanks for that tip belltown, but that line didn't seem to help for me. I tried putting it in a couple different places in my code, and the Roku Stick 3600 I tested on was running fw7.5 but I'm not sure how roAppManager is intended to work, and the description says:
SetAutomaticAudioGuideEnabled(enabled as Boolean) as Void
Available since firmware version 7.5
Enables or disables automatic Audio Guide and override any manifest setting. This is useful for channels that want to temporarily turn off automatic Audio Guide for specific screens.
So I'm not sure what it means by "specific screens". My whole game is on a roScreen. Is there a manifest setting that can turn it off?
If I can turn this off somehow I would consider it a Roku bug!