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Roku Video playlist start from specific video

Hi all!

I have a question about Roku Video media playback node.
I have contentIsPlaylist set to true and when pressing the Play button it starts to play the videos beginning with the first one from the list. I want to change it so it begins with another one. I know the index for the video I want to start with. I tried with setting the value on nextContentIndex but it didn't helped at all.
Anyone has a better idea?

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Roku Guru

Re: Roku Video playlist start from specific video

I had the same need and expected that nextContentIndex would do that, but it does not work on the first play.

Check this solution: ... ex#p563133

In my case I ended up re-creating the contentNode based on the start index the user selected, the use case I was implementing did not require manually moving back to previous videos.
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