HI There,
I have added the TVOD Channel Template example in my code which working fine in my local device in developer mode testing but when i publish it to Non-certified or Public it is not working ,like when do start the payemnt transaction process , it start with progress dialog and then just goes to errorstarting of the transaction
and without roku pay page , this comes with error dialog. i am adding mycodes for your reference below:
sub makePurchase()
m.pdialogCheckSubs.title = "Processing.."
m.top.getScene().dialog = m.pdialogCheckSubs
m.pdialogCheckSubs = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ProgressDialog")
m.orderRequest = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.orderRequest.title = "example title"
m.orderRequest.priceDisplay = "1.99"
m.orderRequest.price = "1.99"
m.orderRequest.addField("code", "string", false)
m.orderRequest.code = "The Room (Purchase)"
m.store.requestPartnerOrder = m.orderRequest
? "Issuing RequestPartnerOrder Command"
? "-- code: ", m.store.requestPartnerOrder.code
? "-- priceDisplay: ", m.store.requestPartnerOrder.priceDisplay
? "-- price: ", m.store.requestPartnerOrder.price
m.store.command = "requestPartnerOrder"
end sub
sub confirmPurchase()
m.confirmRequest = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.confirmRequest.title = m.orderRequest.title
m.confirmRequest.priceDisplay = m.orderRequest.priceDisplay
m.confirmRequest.price = Mid(m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus.total, 2)
m.confirmRequest.orderID = m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus.orderID
m.confirmRequest.addField("code", "string", false)
m.confirmRequest.code = m.orderRequest.code
m.store.confirmPartnerOrder = m.confirmRequest
? "Issuing ConfirmPartnerOrder Command"
? "-- code: ", m.store.confirmPartnerOrder.code
? "-- title: ", m.store.confirmPartnerOrder.title
? "-- priceDisplay: ", m.store.confirmPartnerOrder.priceDisplay
? "-- price: ", m.store.confirmPartnerOrder.price
? "-- orderID: ", m.store.confirmPartnerOrder.orderID
m.store.command = "confirmPartnerOrder"
end sub
function displayOrderStatusDialog(response as Object) as Void
m.pdialogCheckSubs = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ProgressDialog")
m.dialog = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Dialog")
m.dialog.title = "Order Status"
m.dialog.optionsDialog = true
m.dialog.buttons = ["OK"]
m.succes = false
m.message = "Your purchase of " + m.orderRequest.title
? "m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus: "; m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus
if response <> invalid and response.status = "Success"
m.PaymentUpdatingTask = CreateObject("roSGNode", "PaymentUpdatingTask")
? "response.purchaseId:"; response.purchaseId
m.message = m.message + " for " + m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus.total
m.dialog.message = m.message
m.message = m.message + " succeeded"
m.succes = true
m.dialog.observeField("wasClosed", "orderStatusDialogButtonSelected")
m.dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "orderStatusDialogButtonSelected")
m.top.getScene().dialog = m.dialog
m.message = m.message + " succeeded"
m.succes = true
m.message = m.message + " failed with errorMessage: "
if m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus.errorMessage<>invalid then
end if
if m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus.status<>invalid then
m.message+= " status: "+m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus.status
end if
if m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus.errorCode<>invalid then
m.message += " errorCode: "+m.store.requestPartnerOrderStatus.errorCode
end if
m.dialog.message = m.message
m.dialog.observeField("wasClosed", "orderStatusDialogButtonSelected")
m.dialog.observeField("buttonSelected", "orderStatusDialogButtonSelected")
m.top.getScene().dialog = m.dialog
end if
end function
is you m.store only created once? it should have only one reference through out the life cycle.
Yes, there is only one instance for whole life cycle for it I am using. The same issue happen with TVOD channel template from roku git example, when I deploy it in my roku account with my Roku channel product name the same issue happen.
OK then I am not sure, just to make sure, yours is TVOD only channel and based on the Roku docs:
"Contact your partner manager to get the requestPartnerOrder and confirmPartnerOrder commands enabled for your channel."
This is also done?
Yes this is totally all with TVOD channel as Roku doc. But I didn't get about you as you said "Contact your partner manager to get the requestPartnerOrder and confirmPartnerOrder commands enabled for your channel."
And I had created the product name with selecting my channel name for the product names in my roku account for product type like one time and consumable type. But It does not start the transaction except some error response as you can see my code. But one thing I would say. It's working fine when I set the testing product name "tvod-rental" from roku TVOD git example for testing purpose.
Interesting, I am not sure why that is happening, but what I was referring to was the comment mentioned in the docs: https://developer.roku.com/docs/developer-program/roku-pay/tvod-channel.md#handling-transactional-pu...
May be Roku needs to enable those transaction for your channel/Roku dev account? So better to reach out to Partnersuccess to get some answers.
Please share when you get this resolved also.
Sure, gomad
Will let you know after contacting with Partnersuccess.
Hi Gomad,
This issue is resolved now. My channel was private that was why Roku doesn't allow my TVOD feature enabled in my channel. But it working fine.
Now I am facing another issue whenever I do start the transaction and agreed to purchase it then always i get transaction failed popup dialog but this is working fine with successful transaction in RokuDev mode. Do you know why am i getting this so?
Hi were you able to get transactions happening successfully on your channel? Also, did you use web api to validate transactions?
Hi mramim,
It's working fine successfully transaction in development mode. But when do I deploy it in my roku account. It won't work .just give me transaction failed error without any error reason.