"saulpower" wrote:
So I've appropriately set a valid url (in the sense that I can open the image in a browser) for both the SDPosterUrl and HDPosterUrl in the content metadata. The Roku fails to load this image into any screen I try (roGridScreen, roPosterScreen, etc). All I get is "Image not available" text or a TV placeholder image on newer Rokus. The strange thing is I can take the same image file that the url is pointing to and include it in the channel package and it will load up fine. Is there some header or other bit that the Roku is expecting when requesting the image from the provided url? The test url I'm using right now is https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13209686/chromecast/headphones.png, and as you can see is being served by dropbox.
screen.SetCertificatesFile ("common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt")
Sub Main ()
port = CreateObject ("roMessagePort")
sl = CreateObject ("roSystemLog")
sl.SetMessagePort (port)
sl.EnableType ("http.error")
sl.EnableType ("http.connect")
ui = CreateObject ("roPosterScreen")
ui.SetMessagePort (port)
ui.SetCertificatesFile ("common:/certs/ca-bundle.crt")
ui.SetContentList ([{
SDPosterUrl: "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13209686/chromecast/headphones.png",
HDPosterUrl: "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13209686/chromecast/headphones.png",
ui.Show ()
While True
msg = Wait (0, port)
If Type (msg) = "roSystemLogEvent"
info = msg.GetInfo ()
If info.LogType = "http.error" Or info.LogType = "http.connect"
Print "roSystemLogEvent. Url: "; info.Url
Print "roSystemLogEvent. OrigUrl: "; info.OrigUrl
Print "roSystemLogEvent. Method: "; info.Method
Print "roSystemLogEvent. Status: "; info.Status
Print "roSystemLogEvent. TargetIp: "; info.TargetIp
Print "roSystemLogEvent. HttpCode: "; info.HttpCode
End While
End Sub
"wpinkman" wrote:
Could this issue be the same or related to viewtopic.php?f=34&t=85897 or viewtopic.php?p=483874&sid=f9b2c289420f07dcda53ae75bd8c5b0a#p483912