In our channel we have authorisation and in-channel purchases. Last time we were rejected with following message:
Required: Removing the channel doesn't remove linking information – NOT FIXED
We use device id for linking a device to account in our service. They say that this requirement prevents situation when any user after one that was linked manually, will be logged in via device id. That makes sense.
So, I should catch uninstallation and send some logout request to our backend, but I'm not sure it is possible. Channel can be removed from the web, so that's no way to catch it.
Other way is to use some identifier which is unique for user for linking. I tried GetClientTrackingId() instead of GetDeviceUniqueId(), but that is not helpful: generated value is the same even I reset to factory settings and link my device to another user.
I can try getting user's email, but that will cause confirmation form, I wouldn't like to do this.
What do you guys do with that?