For Example: I have 5 different Roku sg application but the all application has same code with different resources like(image, color, font and etc.)
I want to place the code section at specific location and all application access this code from this location.
I want to manage application like Xcode of "APPLE" in Roku sg.
taylorcw:While your description is a little unclear, with scene graph you are able to share resources across different components.
For example, say you have a foobar.xml and you want to share fonts.brs across components. You can pull in fonts.brs and all components using this can share the same functions, subs, fonts, etc.
<component name = "foo" extends = "Group">
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/foobar/foobar.brs"/>
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/Common/fonts.brs" />