i think you are running into issue related to string encoding, likely one of those gets treated as UTF-8. When i try your code on &h12 &h10 &h19 and \x12 it works just fine, probably with everything else in range 0-x7f too.
On your example
BrightScript Debugger> ? len(str)
seems to show you are not getting what you expect (len should be 3)
PS. ok here is what's going on: bytes e2 80 99 is a single character encoded in utf-8:
in binary, utf8 prefixes marked: (1110)0010 (10)000000 (10)011001
the encoded symbol is: 0010-000000-011001 (bin) or 0x2019 (
So this is how it should be reg-ex-ed:
BrightScript Debugger> regex = CreateObject("roRegEx","\x{2019}","")
BrightScript Debugger> ? regex.IsMatch(str)
Based on the syntax for Unicode (\u2019 did not work), chances are the library underneath is