Turns out I am more lost than I thought.
I tried just uncommenting the following in the category.xml file
<!-- banner_ad sd_img="http://fanboitv.dynu.com/fanboitv/images/banner.gif" hd_img="http://fanboitv.dynu.com/fanboitv/images/banner_hd.gif"-->
Making it look like this...
<banner_ad sd_img="http://fanboitv.dynu.com/fanboitv/images/banner.gif" hd_img="http://fanboitv.dynu.com/fanboitv/images/banner_hd.gif">
That broke the application.
Then I realized that you were telling me I needed to add some code to one of the .brs files. So I started opening them and looking for something containing "setAd" and I found this code...
in the rsHomeScreen.brs file.
Problem is that I have zero clue how to modify the code you gave me to work here.
The code surrounding the above code looks like this...
'** Perform any startup/initialization stuff prior to
'** initially showing the screen.
Function preShowHomeScreen(breadA=invalid, breadB=invalid) As Object
if validateParam(breadA, "roString", "preShowHomeScreen", true) = false return -1
if validateParam(breadA, "roString", "preShowHomeScreen", true) = false return -1
screen = CreateObject("roPosterScreen")
if breadA<>invalid and breadB<>invalid then
screen.SetBreadcrumbText(breadA, breadB)
end if
return screen
End Function
So what do I do now?