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ROKU 4 :: Position problem with Roimagecanvas

Hi, I have a problem. I have used Roimagecanvas for the custom keyboard with a login screen. Here I'm using Roku 3 and Roku 4.
When the app loaded on the Roku 3, the positions are correct. But Roku 4 is not the same. The positions are changed.  

   deviceInfo = CreateObject("roDeviceInfo")
    uiResolution = deviceInfo.GetUIResolution() 
    displaySize = deviceInfo.GetDisplaySize()
    Width = displaySize.w
    Height =  displaySize.h

From Roku 4 settings the Display type is 1080p HD TV
And I printed displaySize, then

<Component: roAssociativeArray> =
    h: 1080
    w: 1920

For keypad layer position , I have following
keypadPos = { x: int(.1*width), y: int(.287*Height), w: int(.23*width), h: int(.52*Height)}

And this is the layer.

this.canvas.SetLayer(3, { url: "pkg:/locale/default/images/KB/login/$abc3.png", TargetRect: keypadPos }

Now the problem is

In Roku 3, the positions are correct.
But, In Roku 4 , All are changed. So Roimagecanvas will effect with resolutions? How can I render the layers with respect to current Display Type (1080p or 720P) ?
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Re: ROKU 4 :: Position problem with Roimagecanvas

This has to do with some funny behavior of roImageCanvas.  It tops out at 1280x720, even if the UI is running FHD.  I've seen this problem in a custom video player that was using GetCanvasRect() to set the video destination on the screen.  In Roku 4 it only covered half the screen.  Best thing to do is to use the width and height from GetCanvasRect() to calculate positions rather than GetDisplaySize().

For reference, here's output from a dummy channel I have to dump all this stuff:

------ Running dev 'Display Modes Dump' main ------

----- roDeviceInfo -----
GetDisplayType = HDTV
GetDisplayMode = 1080p
GetDisplayAspectRatio = 16x9
GetDisplaySize = 
    GetDisplaySize: w = 1920
    GetDisplaySize: h = 1080
GetDisplayProperties = 
    GetDisplayProperties: width = 41
    GetDisplayProperties: height = 23
    GetDisplayProperties: Hdr10 = false
    GetDisplayProperties: DolbyVision = false
    GetDisplayProperties: internal = false
GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions = 
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: width = 1280
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: name = HD
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: preferred = false
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: height = 720
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: ui = false
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: width = 1920
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: name = FHD
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: preferred = true
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: height = 1080
    GetSupportedGraphicsResolutions: ui = true
GetVideoMode = 1080p
GetCanvasRect = 
    GetCanvasRect: w = 1280
    GetCanvasRect: x = 0
    GetCanvasRect: y = 0
    GetCanvasRect: h = 720
GetUIResolution = 
    GetUIResolution: width = 1920
    GetUIResolution: name = FHD
    GetUIResolution: height = 1080
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Re: ROKU 4 :: Position problem with Roimagecanvas

Hi, Thank you very much for your reply with your solution. I appreciate that. So we should hard-code the width and height like 1920:1080 or 1280:720 . right? 
Actually, we are taking the position with respect to the current resolution via displaySize = deviceInfo.GetDisplaySize(). But this is not working here. should I hard-code height and width?
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Roku Guru

Re: ROKU 4 :: Position problem with Roimagecanvas

"RENJITHVR4" wrote:
Hi, Thank you very much for your reply with your solution. I appreciate that. So we should hard-code the width and height like 1920:1080 or 1280:720 . right? 
Actually, we are taking the position with respect to the current resolution via displaySize = deviceInfo.GetDisplaySize(). But this is not working here. should I hard-code height and width?

No - please read attentively what Veeta said:
"Veeta" wrote:
 Best thing to do is to use the width and height from GetCanvasRect() to calculate positions rather than GetDisplaySize().
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