"SolveLLC" wrote:
It's not a refund, there are no refunds via the Roku payment system.
Isn't that what the credits/reversals field in the sales activity report is for? In any case, I understand what you are referring to now.
The problem is say this. The channel is $1.99. The customers bill date is 2 days from now. The customer is charged $.18 (which I don't think that amount is billable via Paypal or CC). The customer watches for a day and a half and then removes the channel. The next month, the customer does the same thing (it's always something less than $1.99 as long as they cancel before the billing date).
I imagine this is less a purposeful act than an accident of timing. It would require customers know the monthly bill date in advance, and then make the decision to attempt to exploit it to make it purposeful. I imagine more Roku users don't necessarily know the exact bill date.
If the channel in question is event bases (such as a sporting event) that happens somewhat infrequently during the month, if en event happens close to the bill date, it seems like it may be inevitable to see signups and cancellations spike around that, and the total subscription fee would be small.
Maybe a good solution is that if it's close to the end of a billing period (5 or 10 days), then cancellation requests work for the period after the upcoming period. Customers would have to be warned this on signup though.
-- GandK Labs
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