"destruk" wrote:
Duplicating the functionality of the Roku Channel Store is a violation of the developer agreement. So maybe that's why the functionality isn't there?
if all you want is a channels list - they have that already - http://www.roku.com/channels/#!browse/m ... by-popular
Why duplicate what is already here?
"bbefilms" wrote:There are other cases where a channel list api could be useful as well. I'd like to show the channel list in Remoku, and would direct people to the Roku web channel store to install if they find things they want. I definitely don't want to do Roku user authentication from within remoku and wouldn't expect Roku to want this either, I just would like to show the channel list(s).
One API usage scenario might be a widget that could be placed on websites and blogs that lists the latest/most popular/craziest channels; you don't think that this kind of widespread, free promotion would help sell units?
"bbefilms" wrote:
Business case? How about that it appears insane that you aren't enabling developers to provide end users of your product with critical content information. One API usage scenario might be a widget that could be placed on websites and blogs that lists the latest/most popular/craziest channels; you don't think that this kind of widespread, free promotion would help sell units?
"RokuPatrick" wrote:
I doubt private channels would ever be indexed publicly -- They're usually private for a reason, if the developer wants people to know about their channel, they'll let people know and/or submit it for the public channel store.
"renojim" wrote:
^ What he said. I'd be very unhappy if all of my private channels were discoverable.