Im making an ad supported channel.
' ********** Copyright 2016 Roku Corp. All Rights Reserved. **********
' inits details screen
' sets all observers
' configures buttons for Details screen
Function Init()
? "[DetailsScreen] init""visible", "onVisibleChange")"focusedChild", "OnFocusedChildChange")
m.buttons ="Buttons")
m.poster ="Poster")
m.description ="Description")
m.background ="Background")
' create buttons
result = []
for each button in ["Play", "Second button"]
result.push({title : button})
end for
m.buttons.content = ContentList2SimpleNode(result)
End Function
' set proper focus to buttons if Details opened and stops Video if Details closed
Sub onVisibleChange()
? "[DetailsScreen] onVisibleChange"
if = true then
m.buttons.jumpToItem = 0
m.videoPlayer.visible = false
m.videoPlayer.control = "stop"
end if
End Sub
' set proper focus to Buttons in case if return from Video PLayer
Sub OnFocusedChildChange()
if and not m.buttons.hasFocus() and not m.videoPlayer.hasFocus() then
end if
End Sub
' set proper focus on buttons and stops video if return from Playback to details
Sub onVideoVisibleChange()
if m.Player.visible = false and = true
m.Player.control = "stop"
end if
End Sub
sub PlayerStateChanged()
print "EntryScene: PlayerStateChanged(), state = "; m.Player.state
if m.Player.state = "done" or m.Player.state = "stop"
m.Player.visible = false
m.list.setFocus(true) 'NB. the player took the focus away, so get it back
end if
end sub
' on Button press handler
Sub onItemSelected()
' first button is Play
' compile into a VideoContent node
content = CreateObject("roSGNode", "VideoContent")
if m.Player = invalid:
m.Player ="Player")
m.Player.observeField("state", "PlayerStateChanged")
end if
'start the player
m.Player.content = content
m.Player.visible = true
m.Player.control = "play"
End Sub
' Content change handler
Sub OnContentChange()
m.description.content =
m.description.Description.width = "770"
m.Player.content = =
m.poster.uri =
m.background.uri =
End Sub
' Helper function convert AA to Node
Function ContentList2SimpleNode(contentList as Object, nodeType = "ContentNode" as String) as Object
result = createObject("roSGNode",nodeType)
if result <> invalid
for each itemAA in contentList
item = createObject("roSGNode", nodeType)
end for
end if
return result
End Function
And i keep getting this error
------ Compiling dev 'Simple Grid with Details and Video' ------
*** ERROR compiling /pkg:/source/PlayerTask.brs:
SUB or FUNCTION defined twice. (compile error &had) in pkg:/source/PlayerTask.brs(11) 'init'
And i checked this code
'** (c) 2016-2017 Roku, Inc. All content herein is protected by U.S.
'** copyright and other applicable intellectual property laws and may
'** not be copied without the express permission of Roku, Inc., which
'** reserves all rights. Reuse of any of this content for any purpose
'** without the permission of Roku, Inc. is strictly prohibited.
Library "Roku_Ads.brs"
sub init() = "playContentWithAds" = "PlayerTask"
end sub
sub playContentWithAds()
video =
' `view` is the node under which RAF should display its UI (passed as 3rd argument of showAds())
view = video.getParent()
RAF = Roku_Ads()
'RAF.clearAdBufferScreenLayers() ' in case it was set earlier
'RAF.enableAdBufferMessaging(true, true) ' could have been cleared by custom screen
content = video.content
' for generic measurements api
RAF.setContentGenre(content.categories) 'if unset, ContentNode has it as []
' Nielsen DAR specific measurements
if content.nielsen_app_id <> invalid:
end if
' log tracking events
' logObj = {
' log : Function(evtType = invalid as Dynamic, ctx = invalid as Dynamic)
' if GetInterface(evtType, "ifString") <> invalid
' print "*** tracking event " + evtType + " fired."
' if ctx.companion = true then
' print "***** companion = true"
' end if
' if ctx.errMsg <> invalid then print "***** Error message: " + ctx.errMsg
' if ctx.adIndex <> invalid then print "***** Ad Index: " + ctx.adIndex.ToStr()
' if <> invalid and <> invalid then print "***** Ad Title: " +
' else if ctx <> invalid and ctx.time <> invalid
' print "*** checking tracking events for ad progress: " + ctx.time.ToStr()
' end if
' End Function
' }
' logFunc = Function(obj = Invalid as Dynamic, evtType = invalid as Dynamic, ctx = invalid as Dynamic)
' obj.log(evtType, ctx)
' End Function
' RAF.setTrackingCallback(logFunc, logObj)
adPods = RAF.getAds() 'array of ad pods
keepPlaying = true 'gets set to `false` when showAds() was exited via Back button
' show the pre-roll ads, if any
if adPods <> invalid and adPods.count() > 0
keepPlaying = RAF.showAds(adPods, invalid, view)
end if
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
if keepPlaying then
video.observeField("position", port)
video.observeField("state", port)
video.visible = true
video.control = "play"
video.setFocus(true) 'so we can handle a Back key interruption
end if
curPos = 0
adPods = invalid
isPlayingPostroll = false
while keepPlaying
msg = wait(0, port)
if type(msg) = "roSGNodeEvent"
if msg.GetField() = "position" then
' keep track of where we reached in content
curPos = msg.GetData()
' check for mid-roll ads
adPods = RAF.getAds(msg)
if adPods <> invalid and adPods.count() > 0
print "PlayerTask: mid-roll ads, stopping video"
'ask the video to stop - the rest is handled in the state=stopped event below
video.control = "stop"
end if
else if msg.GetField() = "state" then
curState = msg.GetData()
print "PlayerTask: state = "; curState
if curState = "stopped" then
if adPods = invalid or adPods.count() = 0 then
exit while
end if
print "PlayerTask: playing midroll/postroll ads"
keepPlaying = RAF.showAds(adPods, invalid, view)
adPods = invalid
if isPlayingPostroll then
exit while
end if
if keepPlaying then
print "PlayerTask: mid-roll finished, seek to "; stri(curPos)
video.visible = true = curPos
video.control = "play"
video.setFocus(true) 'important: take the focus back (RAF took it above)
end if
else if curState = "finished" then
print "PlayerTask: main content finished"
' render post-roll ads
adPods = RAF.getAds(msg)
if adPods = invalid or adPods.count() = 0 then
exit while
end if
print "PlayerTask: has postroll ads"
isPlayingPostroll = true
' stop the video, the post-roll would show when the state changes to "stopped" (above)
video.control = "stop"
end if
end if
end if
end while
print "PlayerTask: exiting playContentWithAds()"
end sub
Yet i can't find an error