"Beacon333" wrote:
I did rekey my box and I switch to another box and still get the message. I am scratching my head and about to pull out a box that was not being used during the last firmware update hoping it does not update when I set it up. If I can prevent my 3rd box from updating I should be ok.
When you say "re-keyed" do you mean you generated a new key with genkey, and then the new password is not accepted? Or do you mean you re-keyed from an old pkg file and password? Because obviously that wouldn't be successful if it did not accept your password. There are a lot of folks here with that Roku model and that firmware so I'm reluctant to believe the firmware is the issue. And good luck preventing the box from updating, you'd have to unplug it every time you stopped using it, and if you forget once - Well you've probably seen "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers".
As a personal note, this happened to me recently And i just couldn't figure out what the problem was - I tried to re-key the box and it worked fine with other pkg/password combinations but not the one I needed it too. Eventually It turned out I was using the wrong password. I store them as the title of a file in the project directory so I can easily copy and paste when i need it - and i just got mixed up. I've made a bunch of screensavers and they all have to have different dev keys ( Thanks Roku!) and so it was human error. Not saying that this is your problem but as Sherlock might say - "The balance of probability...."
Kinetics Screensavers