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New Eclipse Plugin Release 1/7/2014

A new update to the BrightScript Eclipse Plugin is available via the updates site:

The build number is:

The full Eclipse Plugin Guide can be found here: ... ugin+Guide

Release Notes 1/7/2014:
Minor Bug Fixes with BrightScript Doc parser.

Release Notes 11/12/2014:

Support for the new developer mode username/password authentication is in place, but is not used unless a given Roku box requires it ( i.e. firmware 5.2 or later ).

It is important to note that the plugin now requires Eclipse to be running under Java 1.7 or higher. If Eclipse's Java version is lower than 1.7, the plugin will be disabled.
Non-compliance with the Java version requirement does not prevent plugin installation or Eclipse startup, but will result in no BrightScript plugin features being visible, including the BrightScript perspective.
If you require an older version of Java as your machine default, you may still point any Eclipse instance to a different Java installation, by using the -vm argument in the eclipse.ini file (see Eclipse's help for details).

The following items were added or fixed in this release:

- Export Wizard - Added option to automatically open and connect a debug console upon successful install
- Code Folding - Added support for anonymous functions

- Bug fixes to correct exceptions and errors in SSDP discovery routines
- Export Wizard - Corrects issue of zip and pkg files saved in "out" dir first time, but root dir all subsequent times
- Export Wizard - Corrects issue where current package field is not populated even if there is a current package
0 Kudos

Re: New Eclipse Plugin Release 11/12/2013

I am unable to find the bright script perspective when I do windows->open perspective->other. I have the Eclipse Juno SR1 installed, also installed the BrightScript plugin along with these two dependencies ... /releases/ and, and I have the Java 1.7 version. The BS plugin gets installed without any error, but the BS perspective is missing. I just updated the mac OS to 10.9. Eclipse with BrightScript plugin was working fine with the older version of the mac OS. Any help is appreciated.
0 Kudos

Re: New Eclipse Plugin Release 11/12/2013

"vbacct" wrote:
I am unable to find the bright script perspective when I do windows->open perspective->other. I have the Eclipse Juno SR1 installed, also installed the BrightScript plugin along with these two dependencies ... /releases/ and, and I have the Java 1.7 version. The BS plugin gets installed without any error, but the BS perspective is missing. I just updated the mac OS to 10.9. Eclipse with BrightScript plugin was working fine with the older version of the mac OS. Any help is appreciated.

Just a guess at this point, but it's likely you installed java 1.7 first, then upgraded to OSX 10.9. If so...
Since apple doesn't yet distribute java 1.7 themselves, you inadvertently downgraded java to 1.6 when you upgraded OSX to 10.9 (which would cause the BrightScript plugin to be disabled since it requires java 1.7).

To confirm:

1) run the terminal program, and type java -version.

...or more definitively (since eclipse can use a java install that's different from the system default)...

2) Look at eclipse's internal configuration dump ( Help->About Eclipse->Installation Details->Configuration ) and look for the java.version value.

If (2) says it's some variant of 1.7, my guess was wrong and so we'll look for other causes. Otherwise, get the JDK package from here: and re-install java 1.7.

0 Kudos

Re: New Eclipse Plugin Release 11/12/2013

Thanks Malloys! That was the problem, Eclipse was still pointing to 1.6 though I had installed the 1.7. Reinstalled the 1.7 and restarted the IDE and everything looks fine now.
0 Kudos

Re: New Eclipse Plugin Release 11/12/2013

I am trying to startup and I believe I am using Kepler w/ Java8EA. I get the following;

at com.roku.brightscript.ide.eclipse.core.model.ast.typedexpressions.BrightScriptTypeReference.<init>(
at com.roku.brightscript.ide.eclipse.core.model.ast.BrightScriptASTTranslator.exitArgType(
at com.roku.brightscript.parser.BrightScriptAnalyzer.exit(
at net.percederberg.grammatica.parser.Parser.exitNode(

Any ideas? I tried uninstall/reinstall.
0 Kudos

Re: New Eclipse Plugin Release 11/12/2013

"partyk1d24" wrote:
I am trying to startup and I believe I am using Kepler w/ Java8EA.

There's the likely cause of your problem.
The "EA" in "Java8EA" stands for early access. So that's effectively alpha/beta, and not a production-ready release of Java.
And... Eclipse doesn't officially support Java 8 yet. There is an early access download with preliminary Java8 support - but again, that's not considered production ready.
Nevertheless... I'm just curious - did you download that and install that?

In any case, the BrightScript plugin is only supported on platforms/environments that Eclipse has tested on as part of their official production releases.
Anything outside of that, and YMMV.

I'd suggest installing the current production release of java 1.7 and pointing eclipse (production release Kepler) to that java instance instead.

0 Kudos

Re: New Eclipse Plugin Release 11/12/2013

First thanks for your response.

The "EA" in "Java8EA" stands for early access. So that's effectively alpha/beta, and not a production-ready release of Java.
And... Eclipse doesn't officially support Java 8 yet.

I was posting because I thought it might be useful to keep track of issues and I couldn't find the issue repo. Also just because it isn't officially supported doesn't mean it doesn't work. I have been developing all kinds of things (JAX-WS/RS Websphere apps, Android apps, etc) with no problems. Also this is the only error I get when starting up, so all those other plugins (WAS Developer tools, etc) seem to avoid this issue. Again just thought it would help to bring this up I apologize if there was an issue list I missed.

There is an early access download with preliminary Java8 support...did you download that and install that?

No but I am really not sure it is needed unless you are using the actual Java8 jre for your project. Again in my experience everything seems to work fine.

In any case, the BrightScript plugin is only supported on platforms/environments that Eclipse has tested on as part of their official production releases.
Anything outside of that, and YMMV.

Right I get that but this is the developer forum right? Not the support forum? That may sound sarcastic (it isn't meant to) but I am serious about trying to make the community better and just want to make sure I am posting in the right area. I also get that YMMV but that is why I am bringing it to the attention of people. I mean one day Eclipse will fully support Java8 and the problem will probably still be there. Also the plugin still functions, so it is probably a menial change, I would be happy to look into it if the plugin code is out there somewhere.
0 Kudos

Re: New Eclipse Plugin Release 11/12/2013

"partyk1d24" wrote:

I was posting because I thought it might be useful to keep track of issues and I couldn't find the issue repo.
Again just thought it would help to bring this up I apologize if there was an issue list I missed.

Unfortunately, there currently is no publicly exposed bug tracking system.
So, this is the right place to bring up issues.

I've noted in older developer forum threads that the BrightScript plugin is only supported under the environments listed in Eclipse's production release target environment matrices, but perhaps we should add that information to the Eclipse plugin guide in the SDK docs for clarity.

"partyk1d24" wrote:

There is an early access download with preliminary Java8 support...did you download that and install that?

No but I am really not sure it is needed unless you are using the actual Java8 jre for your project.

Probably right, but hard to say for sure without combing through the embodied code changes and additions (which I have not done). It's entirely possible that the early access download includes changes/additions to the core Eclipse platform, not just the java language support elements in the JDT.
In any case, I was just asking about your environment to quickly see if that download could be eliminated as a potential workaround.

"partyk1d24" wrote:

I am serious about trying to make the community better and just want to make sure I am posting in the right area.

That's appreciated, and yes, this is the right place to post for discussing eclipse plugin issues.

"partyk1d24" wrote: day Eclipse will fully support Java8 and the problem will probably still be there.

Not necessarily.
We've seen numerous apparent plugin issues in the past that were ultimately caused by bugs in Eclipse, the dependent plugins (DLTK, EMF), and specific minor releases of the JRE.
Between here and official support by Eclipse of JRE8, it's likely JRE8 specific bugs in Eclipse and/or DLTK will get fixed, which in turn may eliminate upstream manifestations in 3rd party plugins, such as BrightScript. For the BrightScript plugin, it's happen before.

Note, I'm not stating definitively that what you are experiencing is a JRE8 related bug. But the first step in tracking down the source of the problem is eliminating the unsupported environment.
The fact that you haven't seen problems in other eclipse plugins running under jre8 so far is great, but that's a black swan argument - it doesn't prove the JRE version you are using isn't the source of the problem.

"partyk1d24" wrote:

Also the plugin still functions, so it is probably a menial change,

Again, that would assume this is a bug in the plugin, which hasn't been established.
If you run your eclipse instance in a supported environment - for Eclipse 4.3 (aka Kepler), see: ( but upgraded to 1.7 for any O/S that lists JRE 1.6 ), and you still have the same issue, I'd be happy to continue working with you to track down the source of the problem.

"partyk1d24" wrote:

I would be happy to look into it if the plugin code is out there somewhere.

Thanks for the offer, but the plugin isn't an open-source project at present. It's maintained as Roku-owned code in a company-internal repo.

0 Kudos

Re: New Eclipse Plugin Release 11/12/2013

"malloys" wrote:
"vbacct" wrote:
I am unable to find the bright script perspective when I do windows->open perspective->other. I have the Eclipse Juno SR1 installed, also installed the BrightScript plugin along with these two dependencies ... /releases/ and, and I have the Java 1.7 version. The BS plugin gets installed without any error, but the BS perspective is missing. I just updated the mac OS to 10.9. Eclipse with BrightScript plugin was working fine with the older version of the mac OS. Any help is appreciated.

Just a guess at this point, but it's likely you installed java 1.7 first, then upgraded to OSX 10.9. If so...
Since apple doesn't yet distribute java 1.7 themselves, you inadvertently downgraded java to 1.6 when you upgraded OSX to 10.9 (which would cause the BrightScript plugin to be disabled since it requires java 1.7).

To confirm:

1) run the terminal program, and type java -version.

...or more definitively (since eclipse can use a java install that's different from the system default)...

2) Look at eclipse's internal configuration dump ( Help->About Eclipse->Installation Details->Configuration ) and look for the java.version value.

If (2) says it's some variant of 1.7, my guess was wrong and so we'll look for other causes. Otherwise, get the JDK package from here: and re-install java 1.7.


I'm tried this, but not found a solution. I installed the version JavaSE7 (JDK y JRE), but eclipse still says "java.version = 1.6.0_65". I can't change the version of java in eclipse : ( . Please, excuse my bad english. : (
0 Kudos

Re: New Eclipse Plugin Release 11/12/2013

"ludwig.benitez" wrote:
I installed the version JavaSE7 (JDK y JRE), but eclipse still says "java.version = 1.6.0_65". I can't change the version of java in eclipse : ( . Please, excuse my bad english. : (

Sounds like either your machine is not pointing to the new java installation as the default, or your eclipse.ini file has a -vm argument in it that points to java 1.6.

If you open up a terminal window and type: java -version, What do you see?
if you open up your eclipse instance's eclipse.ini file, do you see a -vm argument value? If so, what is it?
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