I'm using the MRSS template from Roku, and according to the readme.pdf file:
You may nest <outline> elements to create a multi-level navigation experience.
I have attempted to implement a nested approach, thusly:
<outline title="KCM" img="http://www.kcm.org/images/itunes_bvov_video.png">
<outline title="BVOV" subtitle="Daily & Weekly Podcasts" img="http://www.kcm.org/images/itunes_bvov_video.png" url="http://www.kcm.org/feed/en/itunes/webcast/video" />
<outline title="2011 Events" subtitle="Archived Videos from 2011 Meetings" img="http://www.kcm.org/images/itunes_2011events_video.png" url="http://www.kcm.org/feed/en/itunes/events/2011/video" />
According to the OPML specification example I found on the OPML Wiki page (
http://static.userland.com/gems/radiodiscuss/playlist.opml ), the implication is that the outside <outline> declaration does not have to include all 4 parameters that Roku would normally look for.
However, upon entering the channel on Roku, it just sits there at "retrieving..." when I expect to be seeing an image that would allow me to navigate to the lower hierarchy.
Any ideas here?