"writerguy" wrote:
1. Is there a guidebook/handbook/manual/tip sheet or something about how to navigate or create structure to be able to play my music in any organized way?
No. I suggest organizing your music with a folder for each artist and under that a folder per album. If you just have lots of miscellaneous songs and not complete albums, I'd still create a folder per artist. I do have one folder I call "Miscellaneous" for all the artists that I only have one or two their songs. Just throwing all your music in one big pile is not a good idea.
"writerguy" wrote:
It seems I'm wading through the menus/folders onscreen with Roku and not getting all my music.
I'm not sure what you mean by you're not getting all your music. Keep in mind that only MP3s and WMAs are supported, and there's much better support for MP3s.
"writerguy" wrote:
2. Is there such how-to information regarding creating, saving, storing playlists?
I've used Winamp to create playlists, but they're just simple text files so you could create one with Notepad. You just have to have the full path to the song. So you'd want something like:
C:\Users\Gary\Music\Artist 1\Song 1.mp3
C:\Users\Gary\Music\Different Artist\Some Album\Song.mp3
Just name the file with a .m3u extension (e.g., mellow.m3u) and put it anywhere in your music hierarchy. I believe one person created a "Playlists" folder that contains all his playlists.
You can also create a dynamic playlist within the channel by browsing through the folders, selecting a song, and then "Add to playlist". You'll generally want to pause the music as you do that.
"writerguy" wrote:
3. When I try "shuffle" or "play all" -- does that mean just within the particular album/folder where I'm at in Roku?
In general, it will go into sub-folders. There's a setting that controls whether it stays within the particular folder or goes into sub-folders, but that setting may go away since it probably never gets used. If you start by selecting a particular song, it will only play the songs in that folder in order. If you use "Play All" or "Shuffle All", it will play or shuffle all songs in that folder as well as any sub-folders (unless you changed the setting). One more thing, all the music options will loop indefinitely.
"writerguy" wrote:
Man, there's so much I don't know about using all this that I suspect my questions come off as either completely obvious or completely ignorant. 😄
Thanks for any guidance!
(As I suggested somewhere above in this thread, I really would find a "MyMedia Channel for Dummies" sort of document extremely useful.)
Feel free to ask anything you like. The thought of a wiki has come up, but so far no one's taken the initiative. :wink"
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