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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"tnolan333" wrote:
Hi, I've been play around on my Mac for a couple days - oddly, seems whenever I hit a folder that actually *has* MP3s in it, the client tells me there's no usable content in the folder - additionally, the log states nothing but repeated instances of:

DEBUG:root:rejecting .DS_Store

Browsing folders on a web browser also shows no articles.

Any ideas out there?

Where are the Mac people? Make sure you read this. I would guess your paths are not set up correctly. The .DS_Store thing is a hidden Mac file that I think exists in pretty much every Mac folder and is of course being rejected because it's not "playable" content. Sorry I can't be more help, but I'm not a Mac person.

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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"tnolan333" wrote:
Hi, I've been play around on my Mac for a couple days - oddly, seems whenever I hit a folder that actually *has* MP3s in it, the client tells me there's no usable content in the folder - additionally, the log states nothing but repeated instances of:

DEBUG:root:rejecting .DS_Store

Browsing folders on a web browser also shows no articles.

Any ideas out there?

I'm stumped as well. Are you sure there's nothing else in the log? Since you're able to navigate through your folders I'm guessing your music path is fine (but still double check it.)
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

Thank you.. Prior to seeing your response, I went through the process of elimination and found the file that was causing the error. I can email the file to you, if you want to see what was up with it... I am going to just delete it from my library and all will be well..

Thank you!!!

"el.wubo" wrote:
"buaboo" wrote:
I just loaded the latest dev version. I am getting the following error msg "Multiple PCNT frames not allowed". I am assuming that there is something wrong with one of my tags. Is there a way to print with file its processing when this error occurs?

You're right, the error was coming from the mp3 tag library that we use. I don't think the condition they were checking warrants a hard error like that so I just removed it... let me know if it works.

I didn't make a new release so grab the fix here.
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"el.wubo" wrote:
"tnolan333" wrote:
Hi, I've been play around on my Mac for a couple days - oddly, seems whenever I hit a folder that actually *has* MP3s in it, the client tells me there's no usable content in the folder - additionally, the log states nothing but repeated instances of:

DEBUG:root:rejecting .DS_Store

Browsing folders on a web browser also shows no articles.

Any ideas out there?

I'm stumped as well. Are you sure there's nothing else in the log? Since you're able to navigate through your folders I'm guessing your music path is fine (but still double check it.)

Yup - Correct - I can navigate artist and see album folders beneath that, and when moving into the album folder, it say no media is there.
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

"el.wubo" wrote:
"tnolan333" wrote:
Hi, I've been play around on my Mac for a couple days - oddly, seems whenever I hit a folder that actually *has* MP3s in it, the client tells me there's no usable content in the folder - additionally, the log states nothing but repeated instances of:

DEBUG:root:rejecting .DS_Store

Browsing folders on a web browser also shows no articles.

Any ideas out there?

I'm stumped as well. Are you sure there's nothing else in the log? Since you're able to navigate through your folders I'm guessing your music path is fine (but still double check it.)

BTW, sorry I missed your log question - yes, there are about 30 lines of the .DS_Store error and nothing else.
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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP


I wanted to first say great job, this project is coming along very nice.

I have loaded the latest version with playlist support, but I cannot get the songs to play. It just stays on the song screen, it looks like it wants to play, but it just sits there. If I up arrow and browse to another folder, I can play a song manually. I can hit forward and it will go to the next song in the playlist, but again it just does not actually play it.

I am using Ubuntu so here is a sample piece of one of my playlists.

/media/New Volume/Gobbs of tunes/VariousArtists/Rockin 70s (Disc 1)/01 - Hold On Loosely.mp3
/media/New Volume/Gobbs of tunes/VariousArtists/Rockin 70s (Disc 1)/02 - Day After Day.mp3
/media/New Volume/Gobbs of tunes/VariousArtists/Rockin 70s (Disc 1)/03 - The Guitar Man.mp3
/media/New Volume/Gobbs of tunes/VariousArtists/Rockin 70s (Disc 1)/04 - Ohio.mp3
/media/New Volume/Gobbs of tunes/VariousArtists/Rockin 70s (Disc 1)/05 - Mississippi Moon.mp3


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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

Here is a little more info on the playlist problem. I looked at the log and this is what I found:

WARNING:root:SECURITY WARNING: Someone was trying to access ../../../media/New Volume/Gobbs of tunes/VariousArtists/Rockin 70s (Disc 1)/02 - Day After Day.mp3. The MyMedia client shouldn't do this
WARNING:root:SECURITY WARNING: Someone was trying to access ../../../media/New Volume/Gobbs of tunes/VariousArtists/Rockin 70s (Disc 1)/02 - Day After Day.mp3. The MyMedia client shouldn't do this
WARNING:root:SECURITY WARNING: Someone was trying to access ../../../media/New Volume/Gobbs of tunes/VariousArtists/Rockin 70s (Disc 1)/03 - The Guitar Man.mp3. The MyMedia client shouldn't do this
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Community Streaming Expert

Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

The warning message shows up in the log when the server thinks there may be some unauthorized client trying to access files outside of the media directories you have setup. I'm not sure why the "../../../" is there. Is that part of the path you've setup in your config.ini? I'm a little surprised the client didn't detect a problem and at least give you some kind of message. Make sure the mp3's you're trying to play are located in a sub-directory under the path you've setup for "My Music". Although you can put any absolute path in the m3u, the music still has to be within one of the mymedia folders.

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Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

Yes I saw the wierd ../../.. type of path as well and that is not in my files, very strange. I am using a symbolic link in my music folder in Ubuntu and it works fine when browsing, maybe it does not like it when doing the playlists? I will try changing that and let you know.

Although I though one of the benfits of the links would be you could have music in multiple locations or drives and still access them through the same music folder using the links.

I can play my music by browing it just fine. The other strange thing is that even with the playlists it display the music, song, title , length, but just does not start playing.

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Community Streaming Expert

Re: My Media - Your Music and Video on the Roku DVP

The symbolic link probably has something to do with it. I'm using junctions in Windows to accomplish what you're trying to do and it works just fine, but I don't know exactly how they compare to symbolic links. My *nix is a little rusty, but aren't there hard and soft links? I know el.wubo is using Ubunto and links so I'm sure he'll have more information.

You get the song information because the check to see if the song is in your media path is only done when the actual file is requested. That's also the reason the client is clueless. It doesn't expect to be able to get the information but not the actual song either. It may be a small security issue that you can browse somewhere that the server thinks isn't in your media path.

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