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Make custom object globally available on the app

Hi Roku lovers, 

i'm trying to put a global object full of functions and attributes that allows the app to report videoplayer events and app events to Google Analytics, the app uses SceneGraph 
i've tried put the object into '' on 'main.brs' file, but the scope is not global, it only works on that file.
i've tried to create a notification port and listen to it, but when setting 'm.port' on player.ObserveField("position","m.port") in another file, the 'm.port' property is invalid, again a scope problem.

The custom object has the following structure:

function GA() as Object
          init : function (init_args) as Void
          //init code
         end function

         func_1 : function()

         end function
       'and many other functions to report events

there is one method that will receive all the notifications "handleScenegraphEvent", notification in form of messages of node.ObserveField

i've tried putting the object into 'm' as follows in 'main.brs':

gareporter = GA()
m.reporter ={}
m.reporter = gareporter

gareporter = GA()
m.reporter = gareporter

while working on the same file the property 'm.reporter' is accesible, but when the code is coming from another file, the property is null.

i hope the question is clear enough to give me some hints.

Thanks for your help

~ Carlos ~
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Make custom object globally available on the app

To access the "global Noid" from main, you have to call roSGScreen.getGlobalNode(). For consistency, it's advisable in main() you manually assign that to and continue using that ``, as in other threads: = screen.getGlobalNode()

But guess what... even then you can't do what you want, because RSG Nodes do not support function type[/url:1jq54gt9]! Methods will be stripped, silently but deadly...
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Re: Make custom object globally available on the app

Hey, thanks for the quick reply, i just find out that problem with function type, my second option is setting a global port to all fields i want to observe, can i use " = screen.getGlobalNode" to pass the port all over the app?
~ Carlos ~
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Make custom object globally available on the app

"cescamilla" wrote:
Hey, thanks for the quick reply, i just find out that problem with function type, my second option is setting a global port to all fields i want to observe, can i use " = screen.getGlobalNode" to pass the port all over the app?

You mean, do roSgNode fields support `roMessagePort` (or more generally, `Object`) type? No, they do not!
A list of what is supported is here a very particular set of skills.
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Re: Make custom object globally available on the app

then it seems like a dead end for what i want to do 😞
~ Carlos ~
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Make custom object globally available on the app

If you want to do what you say you want to do: report video player events to Google Analytics, then define a Task Node to do the reporting. Include the Task Node in your scene that contains the Video Node, then whenever you have an event to log, set the event details in an interface field defined on the Task Node; in the Task Node, use roUrlTransfer to send the request to Google Analytics. 
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Re: Make custom object globally available on the app

Thanks, will read about it and try it.
~ Carlos ~
0 Kudos

Re: Make custom object globally available on the app has recently added scene graph support just as belltown described
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Re: Make custom object globally available on the app


Thanks for the reply, i'm playing with the code, but i have a question:

i see the reporting methods are used in 'main.brs', are they available too in the scenes where the video is played?
~ Carlos ~
0 Kudos

Re: Make custom object globally available on the app

See You don't call the functions directly, you assign fields on the Task node.
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