Is it me or roListScreen scrolls faster? I mean i click down or up pretty fast and roListScreen flies compared to LabelList
Im also having a problem scene graph when using onKeyEvent while scrolling down or up I doesnt seem to catch the down or up button. Until i reach the end of the list or the top i get the up or down button registered and no, im not using any IF statement thats blocking my keys, in fact im debugging with something like this:
sub showcontent()
print "selected"
categorycontent = m.listMenu.content.getChild(m.listMenu.itemFocused)
m.poster.uri = categorycontent.HDPosterUrl
m.labelSeletectedItem.text = categorycontent.title
end sub
function onKeyEvent(key as String, press as Boolean) as Boolean
print "key: "+key
categorycontent = m.listMenu.content.getChild(m.listMenu.itemFocused)
m.poster.uri = categorycontent.HDPosterUrl
m.labelSeletectedItem.text = categorycontent.title
end function
In case you are wondering yes, i had to put an observer to track down the change when i click the down button, when focus changes i can change my text or poster, but the onkeyevent wont detect the down or up keys until i reach the top or end of the list. All the other keys do get catched pretty fast with the onkeyevent.
Can i make the scrolling down faster when i click the down button on the remote controller? Maybe adjust the animation time or something?