I am switching from the old method of using a video object and am now using an audio object since timedMetaData support was added in 10.5.
I am able to get good values for TIT2 and TPE1, but our WXXX frame is being modified in a way that I cannot translate into something usable. Due to limitations in our stream hosting provider, we are using the WXXX (user URL) frame to provide a GUID ID of the current song.
Expected result: b1872a6e-3aed-4be9-b523-936cbf06873e
Actual result:
I can't really help because I've never used ID3 frames, but I do notice it's a sort of hex ASCII representation of your GUID starting after the 0055524C00 (which would be "URL" surrounded by nulls):
62 - b
31 - 1
38 - 8
37 - 7
I can't really help because I've never used ID3 frames, but I do notice it's a sort of hex ASCII representation of your GUID starting after the 0055524C00 (which would be "URL" surrounded by nulls):
62 - b
31 - 1
38 - 8
37 - 7
Wow! Good eye! I put the whole thing in a hex to text converter and got "URL b1872a6e-3aed-4be9-b523-936cbf06873e". Now I just need to figure out how to perform that conversion in Brightscript...
Just a note for anyone else trying to convert hex to ASCII, here is my function:
function convertHexToText(hex as string) text = "" i = 0 len = Len(hex) while i < len segment = Mid(hex, i + 1, 2) ascii = Val(segment, 16) decoded = Chr(ascii) text = text + decoded i = i + 2 end while return text end function
Probably other ways to do it, but this one does the job
I did find the HexToASCII function buried in the documentation but it gave me odd errors when I tried to use it.
@Arrakis90 could you share an example of your working code with audio object?
i couldn't get this to work. onTimedMetaData doesn't get called
m.audio = createObject("roSGNode", "Audio") m.audio.notificationInterval = 0.1 m.audio.timedMetaDataSelectionKeys = ["*"] m.audio.observeField("timedMetaData", "onTimedMetaData") contentNode = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode") contentNode.url = content.audioUrl contentNode.title = content.title m.audio.content = contentNode m.audio.control = "play" function onTimedMetaData() print("--TimedMeta Start--") print(m.audio.timedMetaData) print("--TimedMeta End--") end function
Hey @duke360 ,
Sure here is a snippet of ours. Note that we had to switch to a video node (even though we don't display any video) because our analytics provider code didn't work with an audio node.
sub audioInit()
print "audio.brs audioInit()"
m.audio = createObject("roSGNode", "Video") 'We must use a Video component due to Youbora only supporting Video
m.audio.observeField("state", "audioStatus")
m.audio.timedMetaDataSelectionKeys = ["TIT2","TPE1","TUID"]
m.audio.observeField("timedMetaData", "timedMetaDataChanged")
m.audio.control = "stop"
end sub
sub timedMetaDataChanged()
if m.audio.timedMetaData["tit2"] <> invalid then
appendMessage(m.audio.timedMetaData["tit2"].ToStr() + " - " + m.audio.timedMetaData["tpe1"].ToStr() + " : " + m.audio.timedMetaData["tuid"].ToStr())
if m.automationId <> m.audio.timedMetaData["tuid"].ToStr()
appendMessage("Detected new song")
m.automationId = m.audio.timedMetaData["tuid"].ToStr()
end if
end if
end sub
If I recall from when I made this change, I may have had issues with the wildcard selector "*" and had to explicitly choose which keys I wanted.
@Arrakis90 wrote:
If I recall from when I made this change, I may have had issues with the wildcard selector "*" and had to explicitly choose which keys I wanted.
Hmm... I notice in the documentation for the old roAudioPlayer, to get all the keys you specify an empty array, not ["*"]. It might be worth trying an empty array.
@renojim wrote:
@Arrakis90 wrote:
If I recall from when I made this change, I may have had issues with the wildcard selector "*" and had to explicitly choose which keys I wanted.
Hmm... I notice in the documentation for the old roAudioPlayer, to get all the keys you specify an empty array, not ["*"]. It might be worth trying an empty array.
The docs mention in the details that "If any entry in this array is "*", then all timed meta data will be selected". Referenced here: https://developer.roku.com/docs/references/scenegraph/media-playback-nodes/audio.md
@Arrakis90, I know that. What I'm trying to say is the documentation may be wrong. One component takes "*" and another takes an empty array?! I know this is Roku, but maybe the documentation is wrong in one place or the other.