I am a newbie in Roku Development so please bear with me. I want to create a windowed video player along with a playlist on one screen. I want the playlist to be scrollable. My research so far has showed that for scrollable list I can use roListscreen and for video I can use rovideoplayer component.
But I am facing a problem when I try to use the both together. I am trying to display rovideoplayer on the right side of the screen using its SetDestRect method. But the videoplayer doesnot appear on the screen at all.
So my question is that Are these two components compatible at all?? If yes any example or link I can use.Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
Here is the script I am using:
'Library "v30/bslDefender.brs"
Function Main() as void
screen = CreateObject("roListScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
vport = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
player= CreateObject("roVideoPlayer")
screen.SetHeader("Welcome to The Channel Diner")
screen.SetBreadcrumbText("Menu", "Breakfast")
contentList = InitContentList()
player.SetDestinationRect({ x: 200, y: 100, w: 200, h: 210 })
Stream: { url: "http://sample.vodobox.net/skate_phantom_flex_4k/skate_phantom_flex_4k.m3u8" }
StreamFormat: "hls"
SwitchingStrategy: "full-adaptation"
while (true)
msg = wait(0, port)
if (type(msg) = "roListScreenEvent")
if (msg.isListItemFocused())
screen.SetBreadcrumbText("Menu", contentList[msg.GetIndex()].Title)
end while
End Function
Function InitTheme() as void
app = CreateObject("roAppManager")
primaryText = "#FFFFFF"
secondaryText = "#707070"
'buttonText = "#C0C0C0"
'buttonHighlight = "#ffffff"
backgroundColor = "#e0e0e0"
theme = {
BackgroundColor: backgroundColor
OverhangSliceHD: "pkg:/images/Overhang_Slice_HD.png"
OverhangSliceSD: "pkg:/images/Overhang_Slice_HD.png"
OverhangLogoHD: "pkg:/images/channel_diner_logo.png"
OverhangLogoSD: "pkg:/images/channel_diner_logo.png"
OverhangOffsetSD_X: "25"
OverhangOffsetSD_Y: "15"
OverhangOffsetHD_X: "25"
OverhangOffsetHD_Y: "15"
BreadcrumbTextLeft: "#37491D"
BreadcrumbTextRight: "#E1DFE0"
BreadcrumbDelimiter: "#37491D"
'ThemeType: "generic-dark"
ListItemText: secondaryText
ListItemHighlightText: primaryText
ListScreenDescriptionText: secondaryText
ListItemHighlightHD: "pkg:/images/select_bkgnd.png"
ListItemHighlightSD: "pkg:/images/select_bkgnd.png"
app.SetTheme( theme )
End Function
Function InitContentList() as object
contentList = [
Title: "Breakfast",
ID: "1",
SDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/breakfast_small.png",
HDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/breakfast_small.png",
HDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/breakfast_large.png",
SDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/breakfast_large.png",
ShortDescriptionLine1: "Breakfast Menu",
ShortDescriptionLine2: "Select from our award winning offerings"
Title: "Lunch",
ID: "2",
SDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/lunch_small.png",
HDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/lunch_small.png",
HDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/lunch_large.png",
SDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/lunch_large.png",
ShortDescriptionLine1: "Lunch Menu",
ShortDescriptionLine2: "Eating again already?"
Title: "Dinner",
ID: "3",
SDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/dinner_small.png",
HDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/dinner_small.png",
HDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/dinner_large.png",
SDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/dinner_large.png",
ShortDescriptionLine1: "Dinner Menu",
ShortDescriptionLine2: "Chicken or Fish?"
Title: "Desserts",
ID: "4",
SDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/dessert_small.png",
HDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/dessert_small.png",
HDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/dessert_large.png",
SDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/dessert_large.png",
ShortDescriptionLine1: "Dessert Menu",
ShortDescriptionLine2: "Something for your sweet tooth"
Title: "Contact The Diner",
ID: "5",
SDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/about_small.png",
HDSmallIconUrl: "pkg:/images/about_small.png",
HDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/about_large.png",
SDBackgroundImageUrl: "pkg:/images/about_large.png",
ShortDescriptionLine1: "The Channel Diner",
ShortDescriptionLine2: "Phone: 1-(111)-111-1111"
return contentList
End Function