I see three field(titleFont, messageFont, bulletTextFont) in DialogBox. But, I doesn't see the any field for button Font in Roku.
I tried with the below line.
' titleFont = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Font") ' titleFont.uri = "pkg:/fonts/font.ttf" ' titleFont.size = 24
' optiondialog.buttons.textFont = titleFont
' optiondialog.buttons.textFont.font.uri ="pkg:/fonts/font.ttf" ' optiondialog.buttons.textFont.font.size =24
Here, Both lines gives an error. Is there any way to change DialogBox Button Text Font?
ah, try
.buttons[] refers to the array of buttons label text
You might want to change focusedTextFont as well
font = CreateObject("roSGNode", "Font") font.uri = "pkg:/fonts/font.ttf" font.size = 24
Same thing, I tried with first option. But, It's giving a syntax error in this below line.
`optiondialog.buttons.textFont = titleFont`
ah, try
.buttons[] refers to the array of buttons label text
You might want to change focusedTextFont as well
Thank you for your Great Answer.