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Is SSDP implementaion slightly queer or is it just me? :-)

It's my first time dealing with SSDP and httpmu (http over udp multicast), so i have been reading the ill-defined spec from 1999-2000 as well as UPnP forum doco. I wrote some test code and i notice some things that make me wonder if the SSDP of Roku player is acting strange. In particular:

  1. It does not honor search for all ("ST: ssdp:all"). By the book, besides responding to its own designation ("roku:ecp" in our case), all devices should respond to "ssdp:all" as if it was their service name, this being some way of getting all of ones SSDP ducks in a row

  2. When search for "roku:ecp" is multicast, it unicast responds with "ST: roku:ecp" with the player serial number in USN, which is swell. But right after that it sends a second package for "ST: upnp:rootdevice"... WTH?! Mind you, it is not NOTIFY message, it is "200 OK" response, answering a question nobody asked.

  3. It does not seem to honor "MX:" header at all (maximum response delay - the device is supposed to delay randomly between 0 and mx seconds to avoid congestion). Even more, the UPnP specifies that queries without MX header should be ignored silently (my router does that if no MX sent, Roku doesn't). I am mentioning this for completenes, I (too?) think the SSDP spec on MX is silly.

None of those seem fatal to me; (2) is annoying and (1) will likely be issue for UPnP enumerator programs
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Re: Is SSDP implementaion slightly queer or is it just me? :

Far worse is the fact ROKU's ALL have the same UDN... So if you have 3 Roku's in your house... They all share the same UNIQUE DEVICE NUMBER... 🙂
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