I was studying the "PlayContentWithAds" method and I discovered this
adIface = Roku_Ads()
print "Roku_Ads library version: " + adIface.getLibVersion()
Will Preroll works like this?
adIface = Roku_Ads()
print "Roku_Ads library version: " + adIface.getLibVersion()
Or this?
adIface = Roku_Ads()
print "Roku_Ads library version: " + adIface.getLibVersion()
' lengthy (20+ min.) TED talk to allow time for testing multiple ad pods
videoContent = { streamFormat : "mp4" }
videoContent.stream = { url: "http://video.ted.com/talks/podcast/DavidKelley_2002_480.mp4",
bitrate: 800,
quality: false
adPods = adIface.getAds()
playContent = adIface.showAds(adPods) ' show preroll ad pod (if any)