I think this is a significant issue, but my previous post on the matter didn't get any replies. Maybe that's what I get for posting on a Friday....
I am using the scenegraph components. We present a new user with a screen with some info about the channel and a partial screen preview video plays automatically (though I've tested with full screen and see the same behavior). After the user selects "sign up", the video is paused and they are placed into the roku billing flow. They are asked to provide partial user data (email).
At this point, it seems that a still frame of the preview video is moved to the very bottom of the player video stack (not the channel). From now on, whether the flow is completed or I simply press "home", that video frame appears during channel transitions. It even flashes twice in the loading screen of HBO NOW. The only way I can get it to go away is restarting. I am using an Insignia Roku 4K TV (6000X).
If it helps Roku Co debug, I've also noticed that after this "event", the loading time for my channel significantly increases. Ironically, the still frame does not show up in the loading of my channel.
I would love a workaround or at least some assurance that Roku is looking into this, since I am guessing that if I submit a build to the store like this, it will be rejected.