Edit: Ignore this one since it has been flagged as having a solution.
In the VideoAds sample here, video ads are successfully displayed, however at the end of the Ad the content does not start playing. Nothing was changed to the workspace outside of providing a launch.json file to run it from VS Code.
From what we observed, the ad starts playing when PlayerTask.brs calls
keepPlay = RAF.renderStitchedStream(csasStream, parentNode)
but the function call never returns so it doesn't continue on in the while loop.
Here is the end part of the VS Code output window if it helps:
You are posting this on the user side of the forum. You should instead post on the developer's side of the house. Look at the options higher up on the page and you will see the selection for Developers over on the right end.
You are posting this on the user side of the forum. You should instead post on the developer's side of the house. Look at the options higher up on the page and you will see the selection for Developers over on the right end.
Well look at that. Thanks for calling this out. Link to Developer's post here.