In the VideoAds sample here, video ads are successfully displayed, however at the end of the Ad the content does not start playing. Nothing was changed to the workspace outside of providing a launch.json file to run it from VS Code.
From what we observed, the ad starts playing when PlayerTask.brs calls
keepPlay = RAF.renderStitchedStream(csasStream, parentNode)
but the function call never returns so it doesn't continue on in the while loop.
Here is the end part of the VS Code output window if it helps:
------ Running dev 'Video Ads' main ------
11-30 21:17:53.892 [] UI: Entering 'Video Ads', id 'dev'
[RAF] setDebugOutput(true)
[RAF] Roku_Ads Framework version 3.0711
[RAF] setDebugOutput(false)
11-30 21:18:10.026 [beacon.signal] |VODStartInitiate ----------> TimeBase(14156 ms)
11-30 21:18:10.029 [beacon.signal] |VODStartComplete ----------> Duration(2961 ms)
[RAF.err] no Nielsen app id set when expanding ROKU_ADS_NIELSEN_APP_ID. Defaulting to {don't know how sensitive this id is.}