Hi all
Am looking at the way Brightscript auto caches images and if it's possible to determine programmatically if the image being loaded into a Roku native list (via itemComponentName) is loading from the server or loading via the OS cache.
Observing the `loadStatus` on the Poster fires the exact same results.
We're taking a look at this cause we're seeing inconsistent behaviour with an Animation fade up on loaded images into a RowList. Images loaded via the server fade up as expected. Images loaded from the cache fade up a lot faster, visually around 4 times faster.
If we force the images to load via the server each time, via a cache buster, the images fade up as expected.
Here's an example of the code we're using for the itemComponentName:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<component name="RowListItem" extends="Group" >
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/view/RowListItem.brs" />
<interface >
<field id="itemContent" type="node" onChange="showContent"/>
<Poster id="itemPoster" />
<Animation id="fadeAnimation" duration="1.5" optional="true" repeat="false" easeFunction="linear" >
<FloatFieldInterpolator id="fadeInterp" key="[ 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 ]"
fieldToInterp="itemPoster.opacity" />
And the script:
sub init()
m.top.findNode("itemPoster").translation = [10, 10]
end sub
function posterLoadedStateHandler (status) as Void
if (status.getData() = "ready")
end if
end function
function fadeImageUp () as Void
m.top.findNode("itemPoster").opacity = 0
m.top.FindNode("fadeInterp").keyValue = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
m.top.FindNode("fadeAnimation").control = "START"
end function
sub showContent()
if (m.top.height > 0 AND m.top.width > 0)
m.top.findNode("itemPoster").observeField("loadStatus", "posterLoadedStateHandler")
m.top.findNode("itemPoster").uri = m.top.itemcontent.HDPOSTERURL
m.top.findNode("itemPoster").width = m.top.width
m.top.findNode("itemPoster").height = m.top.height
end if
end sub