I'm new to Roku-tv app development. I have a problem with my application when communicating with web services from BrightScript. I'm struggling to understand how working Task node threads in BrightScript. It's hard to find relative resources about Brightscript language. Here is my project structure.
I need to get API data into the welcome_screen.xml. I found a GitHub repo called roku-fetch. using that fetch implantation I tried to call API. It's working on Main.brs in the source folder. How can I call it in welcome_screen.brs and get data into welcome_screen.xml
function init() m.top.setFocus(true) m.background = m.top.findNode("background") m.background.uri = "pkg:/images/welcome.png" m.firstLabel = m.top.findNode("firstLabel") m.firstLabel.font.size = 19 m.firstLabel.color = "#ffffff" m.firstLabel.font.uri = "pkg:/fonts/Inter-SemiBold.ttf" m.secondLabel = m.top.findNode("secondLabel") m.secondLabel.font.size = 25 m.secondLabel.color = "#F2CD33" m.secondLabel.font.uri = "pkg:/fonts/Inter-SemiBold.ttf" m.thirdLabel = m.top.findNode("thirdLabel") m.thirdLabel.font.size = 19 m.thirdLabel.color = "#ffffff" m.thirdLabel.font.uri = "pkg:/fonts/Inter-SemiBold.ttf" m.thirdLabel.lineSpacing = 2 m.fourthLabel = m.top.findNode("fourthLabel") m.fourthLabel.font.size = 12 m.fourthLabel.color = "#F2CD33" m.fourthLabel.font.uri = "pkg:/fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf" m.fifthLabel = m.top.findNode("fifthLabel") m.fifthLabel.font.size = 12 m.fifthLabel.color = "#F2CD33" m.fifthLabel.font.uri = "pkg:/fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf" m.sixthLabel = m.top.findNode("sixthLabel") m.sixthLabel.font.size = 20 m.sixthLabel.color = "#ffffff" m.sixthLabel.font.uri = "pkg:/fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf" end function
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <component name="welcome_screen" extends="Group"> <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/screens/welcome_screen.brs" /> <children> <Group> <Poster id="background" uri="pkg:/images/welcome.png" width="1280" height="720"> <Rectangle id="overlay" width="1280" height="720" color="#0007" opacity=".5" /> <Label id="firstLabel" text="The art of digital" height="21" width="160" translation = "[ 675, 191 ]" /> <Label id="secondLabel" text="Experience the cutting edge of art." height="151" width="252" translation = "[ 675, 244 ]" wrap="true" /> <Label id="thirdLabel" text="Download our mobile app" height="70" width="160" translation = "[ 951, 191 ]" wrap="true" /> <Label id="fourthLabel" text="Scan QR Code" height="21" width="150" translation = "[ 951, 261 ]" /> <Poster id = "qrcode" uri = "API-result" height="210" width="210" translation = "[ 951, 287 ]" /> <Label id="fifthLabel" text="or enter code to pair device" height="21" width="200" translation = "[ 951, 511 ]" /> <Label id="sixthLabel" text="API-result" height="21" width="200" translation = "[ 951, 530 ]" /> </Poster> </Group> </children> </component>
To use HTTP calls, you do have to use a task, this is a requirement of the platform.
But tasks are meant to receive information (via a field) and act on it, or to set fields that other threads can read (like preloading a catalog). It doesn't do well doing both as a unit. It's not like a function where you call it and wait for a response. When you say call it in welcome_screen and act on it in welcome_screen, this makes me think a 2 way call and return value that is your intent.
So you have a few options:
I was able to get API data when did the second option. sound like I should need to understand so many things related to web services communication of brightscript. 😶