So my goal is to make the poster screen a little less annoying to use if it is initialized with only one playlist.
Currently, if you go to the poster screen with a single playlist, the user's focus is on the playlist name and the user has to hit the down arrow to allow selection of videos. This is lame. If there's only a single option, you shouldn't have a UI focus point for it.
So, first, I looked at the API for roPosterScreen to see if I can manually set the selection and focus of items. But I cannot.
So, then, I looked for any documentation for how to simulate keypress events and found nothing for inside of Brightscript.
I do have the "external control" pdf file, that suggests using a POST to the roku box itself. So I tried this (posting on the localhost):
Function simulateKeypress( key as String ) As Void
url = "" + key
print "Simulating keypress: " key " as url " url
http = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
http.SetUrl( url )
http.PostFromString( "\r\n\r\n" )
End Function
But it didn't do anything useful.
Anybody have any ideas?