I have seen an example (forget where)
that had set notification perdio of 30 secs then savein the registry the location
something like this:
else if msg.isPlaybackPosition() then
nowpos = msg.GetIndex()
if vidContent.bookmark_reg<>invalid
RegWrite("someid", nowpos.toStr())
My question is - presuming this save saved in flash and flash has limited life - how bad is saving this every 30 seconds vs using the
"isScreenClosed" as mentioned in
https://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc/Fast+Video+StartPresume that I wont actually get a notification of a closed screen if home button is pressed or crash - where
the 30 seconds save becomes beneficial
Private apps: IsraTV (replaces IsraIBA, IsraNews2, IsraI24, Isra10, Isra20)
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