I've written a simple program that renders a screen, with a message wait loop for input and exit from the program. I listen for roUniversalControlEvent and pick up on all the button presses... except the home key.
The problem is that when the home key is pressed, the Brightscript console prints that the program has exited, but instead of returning to the home page it just creates a black screen. Almost any button press will produce a sound, but you are still stuck at the black screen. Through much experimentation, I discovered that if I press the netflix button, wait for a moment, then press the home button, I can recover the home screen.
Since I'm not allowed to handle the home key, I don't know what to do to fix this. The main program code is below.
Any ideas on why the firmware isn't taking me fully back to the home screen?
sub showChannelSGScreen()
screen = CreateObject("roScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
width = screen.GetWidth()
height = screen.GetHeight()
white = &hDDDDDDFF
dark_gray = &h919498FF
green = &h00FF00FF
black = &h000000FF
blue = &h007C9C7F
fontRegistry = CreateObject("roFontRegistry")
font = fontRegistry.GetDefaultFont()
instructionFont = fontRegistry.GetDefaultFont(90,true,false)
number_width = width / 4
number_height = height / 2
state = 2
notFinished = true
offset = 40
print "Entering CHOOSE A DIE rendering loop"
while notFinished
screen.DrawRect(0, 0, width,height,white)
screen.DrawText("CHOOSE A DIE",width / 4 + 100, height / 4,blue, instructionFont)
upper_x = 0
upper_y = number_height - 25
if state = 0
upper_x = 0 + (number_width / 2) - offset
else if state = 1
upper_x = number_width + (number_width / 2) - offset
else if state = 2
upper_x = (number_width * 2) + (number_width / 2) - offset
else if state = 3
upper_x = (number_width * 3) + (number_width / 2) - offset
print "unexpected state: " + StrI(state)
end if
screen.DrawRect(upper_x, upper_y,100,100,dark_gray)
screen.DrawText("2", 0 + (number_width / 2), number_height, black, font)
screen.DrawText("6", number_width + (number_width / 2), number_height, black, font)
screen.DrawText("8", (number_width * 2) + (number_width / 2), number_height, black, font)
screen.DrawText("20", (number_width * 3) + (number_width / 2), number_height, black, font)
print "Entering CHOOSE A DIE input loop"
msg = wait(0, port) ' wait for a message
if type(msg) = "roUniversalControlEvent" then
if(msg.isPress()) then
print "key:" + StrI(msg.GetKey())
if msg.getKey() = 4
if state > 0
state = state - 1
else if msg.getKey() = 3
if state > 0
state = state - 1
else if msg.getKey() = 5
if state < 3
state = state + 1
else if msg.getKey() = 2
if state < 3
state = state + 1
else if msg.getKey() = 6
notFinished = false
else if msg.getKey() = 0
end while
end sub
Here is a shorter program that exhibits the same hang on hitting the home key (while in the input loop):
sub Main()
end sub
sub showChannelSGScreen()
screen = CreateObject("roScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
print "DBM 1"
red = &hFF0000FF
width = screen.GetWidth()
height = screen.GetHeight()
notFinished = true
while notFinished
msg = wait(0, port) ' wait for a message
if type(msg) = "roUniversalControlEvent" then
if(msg.isPress()) then
print "key:" + StrI(msg.GetKey())
end while
end sub
This one shows the hang too..
sub Main()
end sub
sub showChannelSGScreen()
screen = CreateObject("roScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
print "DBM 1"
red = &hFF0000FF
width = screen.GetWidth()
height = screen.GetHeight()
wait(0, port)
end sub
This will also give you the home key hang.
sub Main()
end sub
sub showChannelSGScreen()
screen = CreateObject("roScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
wait(0, port)
end sub
I tried your last example and whether I press Home or any other button it exits to the home screen. What version of firmware do you have? I'm on v9.2.
3810X - Roku Streaming Stick+
9.2.0 build 4807-50
I don't have one of those sticks. You've probably done this, but make sure you reboot your device before you try it again.
This happened on both my Roku Streaming Stick and my Roku Ultra.
The solution was to remove this line from my manifest:
When this line is present in the manifest, the Home Key is broken for exiting the app. By removing it, the Home Key works as expected.
I followed the examples! Kind of unhappy about Roku development today. There isn't a big body of coding samples out there and I really felt cut adrift on something that seemed simple like this.