Hello. I have a 24/7 streaming channel. I am trying to figure out how to configure that in my Direct Publisher JSON feed.
What I currently have (which does not produce an error...but also doesn't seem to work) is the following:
"liveFeed": [ { "id":"6038675309", "title":"MY CHANNEL NAME LIVE", "thumbnail":"https://MYDOMAIN.com/channelfeeds/thumbs/Streaming_Live.jpg", "brandedThumbnail":"https://MYDOMAIN.com/channelfeeds/thumbs/Streaming_Live.jpg", "shortDescription":"Channel LIVE Stream", "longDescription":"LIVE streaming channel featuring all content.", "tags":[ "linear", "news", "celebrity" ], "content":[{ "dateAdded": "2022-01-23T12:00:37+00:00", "duration": 604800, "captions": [ ], "adBreaks": ["00:15:00", "00:30:00", "00:45:00"], "language": "en", "videos": [{ "url": "http://MYDOMAIN.com:8088/hls/MYSTREAM.m3u8", "quality": "UHD", "videoType": "HLS" }] }] } ],
Then I also have it in a playlist and category like here:
"playlists": [
"name": "live_feed",
"itemIds": [
"categories": [
"name": "LIVE FEED",
"playlistName": "live_feed",
"order": "most_recent"
Nothing shows up....I have confirmed my HLS stream is working. Does anyone have an idea on what I did wrong?
Have you tried using the "validity" period objects in your feed? Partner Success has a post regarding their usage.
Thank you. I'll give it a try. I never inluded them.
Did you have any luck @santonivich ? I'm dealing with the same issue. Have tried the validity dates but the feed still doesn't show up.
There are many ways a feed file may fail to show the contents of the channel. You should post your feed file for review if possible.
Unfortunately, no. I've backed off from it the last few weeks but I'll be looking at it again soon.... I'll let you know if I made any progress. How about you?
@santonivich I was able to get mine working. Mine was not a 24/7 feed which was the tricky part.
HOWEVER, looking at your feed, I happened to notice that you have "liveFeed:" it should be "liveFeeds:" (plural) for your liveFeeds object. At one point I had the same mistake. The reference material is horribly confusing because when you click to jump to the "liveFeeds object" it takes you to something titled "liveFeed"