I have a very simple scren graph app, where I'm playing a HLS video that has inline EIA-608 Closed Captioning. I have the following code below to tell the video player that the stream contains EIA-608. However I keep getting the error: ERROR: Missing or invalid PHY: 'eia608/1'
m.Video = m.top.findNode("Video")[/size]
m.videoContent = createObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
m.videoContent.title = selectedItem.title
m.videoContent.url = selectedItem.url
m.videoContent.streamFormat = selectedItem.StreamFormat
m.videoContent.SubtitleConfig = {
TrackName : "eia608/1" 'Not sure why this causes error, but its required
m.Video.content = m.videoContent
If I don't set the TrackName index closed captioning does not work. If I leave code as is, I get the Error in the log but the video still plays and closed captioning still works.
Why am I getting this error?
Using new quad-core roku stick. newest firmware.