"YungBlood" wrote:
Even if there isn't a big space savings for images, there still would be for my data files.
Also being able to download one file rather than 50+ would make managing my games much easier. Just a simple card game requires 52+ images. One of my upcoming games will require image sets of around 100 images per set. As I work on pushing the limits of what roku can do, I will be working with more & more images for a single game. As my image count goes up, http overhead gets worse if I have to download each image individually.
If zip bombs are a big concern, I could work with something like tar. I'm just thinking that the box already has built in support for zip.
For your card game example, could you put all 52 cards into one image file, then use sourceRect to 'slice and dice' the big image into the individual cards? I recall that was another trick winamp skins used. You could lay them out in the large image as 4 rows of 13 columns and then create a lookup table of coordinates so you could just call for [S|P|C|H][1-13]. So C12 would be the King of Clubs, which might have its top and left at coordinates 400 and 750. Cards are especially easy to do this with, because they'll all have the same height and width.
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