My Current version of splash.jpg is 1920 x 1080 and 37 KB in size, my icon.png is 90 x90 and 5 KB in size, I have tried every possible size, shape, file size, pixel size imaginable but I keep getting the following error:
01-05 15:06:18.559 [beacon.signal] |AppLaunchInitiate ---------> TimeBase(0 ms)
01-05 15:06:18.563 [beacon.signal] |AppSplashInitiate ---------> TimeBase(4 ms)
*** ERROR: Missing or invalid PHY: 'images/splash.jpg'
*** ERROR: Missing or invalid PHY: 'images/icon.png'
01-05 15:06:19.259 [beacon.signal] |AppSplashComplete ---------> Duration(696 ms)
01-05 15:06:19.369 [beacon.signal] |AppLaunchInitiate ---------> TimeBase(0 ms)
01-05 15:06:19.376 [scrpt.cmpl] Compiling 'WebSocket TV Messaging', id 'dev'
------ Compiling dev 'WebSocket TV Messaging' ------
01-05 15:06:19.380 [scrpt.ctx.cmpl.time] Compiled 'WebSocket TV Messaging', id 'dev' in 1 milliseconds (BCVer:0)
01-05 15:06:19.381 [beacon.signal] |AppCompileComplete --------> Duration(10 ms)
------ Running dev 'WebSocket TV Messaging' main ------
01-05 15:06:19.632 [] UI: Entering 'WebSocket TV Messaging', id 'dev'
BRIGHTSCRIPT: ERROR: roSGScreen.CreateScene: No such node MainScene: pkg:/source/main.brs(3)
Failed to initialize the SceneGraph application.
01-05 15:06:19.689 [bs.ndk.proc.exit] plugin=dev pid=4836 status=exit retval=2 user requested=0 process name='SdkLauncher' exit code=EXIT_USER_NAV
What's in your manifest file? You should have something like:
And, the file should be in the "images" directory within your zip.
That did the trick, thanks so much, such simple things sometimes.